Stencil fear

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

Three days ago, an artist spray painted a stencil graphic on the grounds of down town Cairo by night, which next morning alarmed the state security and prompted wide questioning of people. Possibly on that same night and by coincidence Mo'men, a fast-food chain, stuck small stickers. What Mo'men did was just an ad campaign that has nothing to do with the stencils.

State security investigations (SSI), the ears, nose and throat of the system …

Mobile Shop: Job opportunities are for men only

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

mobile shop logo

I receive wrong emails often. Sometimes they are funny but usually plain boring. I also receive around 5000 spam messages per week.

Today I received the following email from Mobile Shop HR department. They have two job opportunities. The first is something called "Sales Maker" and it seems to be gender specific. The other is called "Net woek Admin" and it requires, among a list of technical stuff, good command of English language.

Language issues …

الإعدام خطأ، إعدام الأم خطأ مزدوج

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

من اليوم السابع

طالبت زينب رضوان عضو المجلس القومى للمرأة، وعضو مجلس الشعب، بإصدار تشريع يوقف أحكام الإعدام الصادرة بحق المرأة التى وضعت ولم يمر على وضعها عامان هجريان، مطالبة فى ذلك بتعديل المادة 476 من قانون الإجراءات الجنائية التى تخص الفترة ما بين الوضع وتنفيذ حكم الإعدام بشهرين فقط.


وقالت رضوان إنه من الناحية العلمية، فإن العلم أكد أن عدم حصول الطفل على التغذية الكاملة فى العام الأول من عمره يؤدى إلى تلف بخلايا …

In Japan it is called Chikan

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa


In Japan, sexual harassment in public transportation is called Chikan. From what I've found on-line, Chikan is a type of frotteurism. Chikan lacks the aggressive element in comparison to cases that made news here in the past few years. Chikan is more of a paraphilia than an anti-social behaviour.

Younghee Jung wrote about methods of thwarting molesters like pen-sized stun guns or electronic buzzers.


Another solution is designating women-only carriages in metro. We already have …

Best astroturfing fart in the northern hemisphere

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

Not all humans are capable of producing flammable flatus. Flatus is flammable because it contains Methane.

A clique of NDP politicians created this on their own:

From the DailyNewsEgypt:

CAIRO: An NGO was recently launched to repair relations between Egypt’s citizens and its police force, it was announced Thursday.

Named “Police and People” and created by former Foreign Minister Ahmed Maher, the organization aims to bridge the ever widening gap between the police and …

أحسن ناس

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

49 يحاكمون أمام محكمة غير عادلة لفعلهم ما تحلم بة و لا تملك الجرأة لفعلة.

تصوير ناصر نوري.

الجرأة—القوة العاطفية التي تنطوي على ممارسة الاراده لتحقيق الأهداف في وجه معارضة ، خارجية أو داخلية.

  • الشجاعة: عدم الهروب من خطر أو تحدي أو صعوبة أو ألم. التحدث بالحق حتى في وجود معارضة، القيام بالأفكارالتي تؤمن بها حتى ولو كانت غير منتشرة، تتضمن الشجاعة الجسدية و لكن لا تقتصر عليها.

  • المثابرة: الأنتهاء بما يبدأ المرء، الأستمرار على …

My friends' attitudes towards torture

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

I wanted to test the hypothesis that people would think torture is more justifiable for convicts/felons, i.e. people who did commit crimes in the past.

I decided to throw a question to my Facebook friends. Just for the fun of it and to see if this would result in anything interesting.

The questions were sent to 248 Facebook friends. My friends were randomly split in to two groups, each were presented with a …