My friends' attitudes towards torture

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

I wanted to test the hypothesis that people would think torture is more justifiable for convicts/felons, i.e. people who did commit crimes in the past.

I decided to throw a question to my Facebook friends. Just for the fun of it and to see if this would result in anything interesting.

The questions were sent to 248 Facebook friends. My friends were randomly split in to two groups, each were presented with a …

اعتداء بوليسي على أطباء مركز النديم في داخل محكمة كفر الدوار

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

رجال الشرطة يضربون الدكتورة ماجدة عدلي ويحاولوا خطف حقيبتها ويحطمون سيارة الدكتورة منى حامد.

الدكتورة ماجدة عدلي مصابة بجرح قطعي في الجبهة كما أن هناك كسر بالكتف.

الأهالي يمسكون بالجاني الذي يعترف أمام النيابة بأنه تهجم على الطبيبتين بناء على توجيهات الرائد/ أحمد مقلد رئيس المباحث كفر الدوار

الجدير بالذكر أن مركز النديم كان قد أصدر بيانا صباح اليوم يطلب فيه التحقيق بشأن ما تعرضت له أسرة صبحي محمد حسين 67 سنة، من تعذيب على …

Quantitative assesment of the strike?

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

I wonder if there are any public data that can be used to assess the effects of the strike. And I wonder if this data could be analyzed statistically to see if there were any significant difference as a result of the strike.

I can only think of the stock exchange data. Either trading volume or the CASE index could be affected. But there could be lots of confounding variables and it is hard to …

هو مش حاطين أم الطوارئ في الدستور ؟

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

عندي سؤال لية دعوة بموضوع ابرهيم عيسى. قرأت خبر عرضه على المحكمة اليوم.

المرة الاولى التي يحاكم فيها صحافي في مصر امام محكمة استثنائية في قضية نشر. وقال مصدر قضائي الخميس ان محاكمة عيسى التي ستبدا الاثنين المقبل ستتم امام محكمة جنح امن الدولة العليا-طوارىء المنشأة بموجب قانون الطوارئ المعمول به منذ عام 1981. واحكام هذه المحكمة الاستثنائية غير قابلة للاستئناف وتنفذ فور التصديق عليها من الحاكم العسكري وهو رئيس الجمهورية.

هو مش حاطين أم …

Free Monem

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

Blogger and Al Hewar TV channel correspondant, Abdel Monem Mahmoud detained on Sunday morning after several conflicting reports of his arrest. This is a timeline that clears things up.

This was not the first time Monem was detained. He was tortured by state security forces.

He was outspoken in his blog regarding human rights abuses and free speech.

الجاسوس اللوطي الكافر الفاشل أبو ريحة وحشة

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

هل أنا لوحدي شايف أن قصة الجاسوس دي قصة في غاية السخافة ؟ و أن [الخبر المنشور بجريدة الأهرام]( هو طعم لمن هم ذكائهم من رقمين و على الحركرك ؟

هو لازم نجيب بني آدم متهم في حاجة أمام محكمة أمن الدولة طوارئ و نطلع أنه بيحب بني جنسة وطلع من دين أمه ودخل دين تاني و غير أسمة و سقط لما فشخ موظفين شؤون …

Alaa's arrest: a recap.

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

UPDATE: Alaa released

Here is a summary of what happened in the past two weeks regarding the arrest of the most prominent Egyptian blogger and a personal friend.

Alaa Abd El-Fatah (a.k.a Alaa Ahmed Seif) is a blogger, geek, activist and a remarkable person. Arrested, among others, on the 7th of May during a peaceful protest. He was protesting the arrest of Malek and others. Malek, a blogger, was arrested on the …

Alaa arrested

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

Let Alaa return to Manal

Originally by Socrates:

Alaa Abd El-Fatah was arrested today together with around ten more activists during a peaceful demonstration in solidarity with sixty activists who were arrested over the past two weeks in a non-violent sit in as well who were held in custody for two weeks under investigation for "crimes" that if anything would raise only mockery including: humiliating the president, possession of "publishing equipment"(graffiti spray) and blocking traffic. The first group of …

SMSs of the sit in

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

Alaa sent a number of SMSs from the sit in. Since he couldn't set up his blog to do the same due to Vodaphone putting restrictions on international SMS. These SMS appeared as published posts on the front page of this blog.

I removed the posts from the front page, but they are still accessible.

Some messages got truncated.

Here are the messages with approximate date and time:

2006-03-16 19:30:48 by Alaa

Dispatch …