The democratic singularity

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

A technological singularity is a predicted time at which technological progress accelerates beyond the ability of present-day humans to fully comprehend or predict.

'''from the Wikipedia'''

I don't know if the political climate before the technological singularity have ever been discussed. But I am sure someone did and I am probably not aware. Which in itself means that we are still far from the singularity.

I speculate that today's democracy (in the world, I am …

We can see you

They can beat us. Steal our cameras. They can be as savage and mean as they want.

But we will never stop using technology. And technology will never stop improving. Innovations that empower and enable us will eventually converge.

Wifi Digital Camera's exist. That allows you to instantly email your photos or videos.

Wireless hotspots are mushrooming in Cairo. And you can even carry your own hotspot.

You can imagine.

A day in Sokhna

in «Blogging & Personal» by moftasa

Yesterday, I went with Ihab to Ain Sokhna to inquire and make contacts with boat owners for a long awaited fishing trip we wanted to organise. Previously we had plans for Hurghada, but the distance and expenses would not make it an easy thing.

We met Rayes Alala, in Sadat Beach (30Km north of Ain Sohkhna). We struck a fine deal with him. We will be paying 200EGP for a boat that can carry 7 …

The bastards stole my camera

in «Blogging & Personal» by moftasa

Some plain clothes police (they had a walkie-talkie) stole my camera and four or three of them dragged me from my shirt violently in the streets. They did the same to my friends. We were no directly upseting them we were just taking photos of another one of my firends being dragged and beaten.

I feel humiliated. They are so mean and invincible.

This happened infront of the Ministry of Justice and after almost everyone …

No smoke without fire

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

As a fresh university graduate. It is without a doubt censorship, lack of free speech and security interference exists and is sinking the whole academic fleet of public and private universities.

More than once, in the first two years. When I didn't know about the laws regulating the universities. I was prevented from entering the main campus of Ain Shams University with my medical school ID. And the security at the gate reply was that …

Google Maps: Cairo

in «Local & Regional» by moftasa

Forget the lousy egymaps site. Google maps expanded to include several cities around the world. And by far this is the most detailed satellite imagery available freely for the public. Your loved and hated Cairo in amazing detail probably 1 meter resolution.

Ok, let us do some google sightseeing.

Go spend hours looking around an …

The state of Fabraka

I found this editorial on SciDev about the state of science and research in Egypt. The first half of the article is a little bit optimistic but if you read on, this is probably one of the few articles that clearly outlines the obstacles facing science here. I took some notes and listed them:

  • Lack of funds (poor equipment and diminished journal subscriptions)
  • Low political priority
  • Academic quarrels
  • Research as a ladder for higher academic …

Release Mohammed Sahfik NOW

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

Yesterday I was outraged to know that Dr. Mohammed Shafik ,a fresh medical graduate and a House Officer in Ain Shams University Hospitals, was arrested on Tuesday for distributing Kifaya pamphlets.

Mohammed Sahfik is a colleague and works in the same place I work and train in.

This is another proof, at least for my self, that this system is not moving towards anything positive. And again I am sensing this on a personal scale …

El-Adly MUST resign

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

After today's Black protest. The next step for the Kefaya and Muslim brotherhood and everyone else not an NDP whore is to force Habib El-Adly resignination. This is the logical and most powerful step Egyptians could do this year.


  • Mubarak will "win" the upcoming elections, if elections would go as the referendum, which is very likely. The time and energy spent in trying to oppose Mubarak in the elections will be a waste and …