I hate Lebb even more now

in «Blogging & Personal» by moftasa

Last Sunday, a father and mother came to the ER with their young daughter. A cute 1 year old was in severe stridor, dyspneic and breathing rapidly.

The mother said that the girl's father was watching TV and enjoying some Lebb. He offered his daughter one, the girl choked on it in seconds.

"What the .." I shouted in their face. "Why would you do that ? Don't you know that ..." I found it ridiculous to lecture …

remembering names

in «Blogging & Personal» by moftasa

There is a big chance that I will not remember your name. You will tell me your name tomorrow, next day I will forget it. The weird thing is, if it is a totally alien name that comes from a different culture and easy to pronounce. I will remember it for several years.

My biology teacher in school, she happens to be a doctor, had the same problem. She only remembered few names in class …

Pavements and institutions

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

If you look at segment of a pavement in the street. You will come to a similar conclusion like mine; Pavements mirror the state of Egyptian institutions.

Each segment is being swept and kept clean by a Kanas. Everyday, in the morning, he sweeps pieces of paper and cigarette butts. Finishes a segment and moves to the next. Regardless of his work, the pavement is still as ugly as it was. Still very dusty and …

Leave them alone

in «Local & Regional» by moftasa

a kid jockey in Sudan

Human rights groups condemn the trafficking and exploitation of kids used as camel jockeys. They lobby hard to stop the use of young children slaves in such a dangerous sport. In 2003, UAE responded by a law that prohibits children under 15 or weighing less than 45 kilograms to take part in the sport. However there are evidence that young kids are still used.

Qatar recently responded by developing, with a Swiss robotics firm, a …

Pediatrics take 2 ... and more

in «Blogging & Personal» by moftasa

Started the pediatrics round, again.

Well, I need to explain this. The first ten days in the my internship. We were randomly distributed. I went to the pediatrics hospital in those few days. There, I got the worst flu in 15 years and had a good amount of grief and distress from the conditions of some children and the death of two of them.

After that, I had two months in Surgery. I learned lots …

Quick Break

in «Blogging & Personal» by moftasa

All plans for ROC related matters collapse as everyone decides to abandon Cairo. Why not me then. I am in Marina for a couple of days.

UPDATE: I am back. Damn the me7war was so busy. I spent an hour in 8km. And as usual an air quality shock, while entering Cairo.



Marina from space.

How to Blog Anonymously

in «Blogging & Personal» by moftasa

Or, how to survive censorship.

What is going on with Bahraini web publishers is sad. They will be facing legal action if they don't register their sites with the government, including sites hosted on servers outside Bahrain.

The good thing is; Bahraini bloggers will do something about it.

What they are going to do will either back fire or provide them with the freedom they want. We, on the other hand, are entering a sensitive …

Brains Made in China

in «Local & Regional» by moftasa

After the Chinese cars that will be assembeled here.

I would like to present to you, the Chinese university, here is an excrept:

China and Egypt on Sunday signed an agreement on establishing the Egyptian Chinese University (ECU) in Cairo, the first Chinese university to be set up in the Middle East region.

Now, I can't really understand why do we need this. May be for business studies and technology. Which Americans, Germans, British, Canadians …

Hepatitis C

Here are some depressing facts about Hepatitis C in Egypt.

Updates on personal matters

in «Blogging & Personal» by moftasa

Well, I didn't blog about myself since this post. Three days later I started my General Surgery rotation. It is two months long. I had 10 days in pediatric surgery. Not much work, but the operations are very cool. Not enough to learn much though.

I learned lots of practical skills in the General Surgery and managed to see several operations. Unfortunately, the two months are approaching their end, and I didn't go to the …