Show of support to Sharm victims

in «Local & Regional» by moftasa


Starting from Thursday 28/07 at noon, in the garden of el sakkia (in Zamalek), you can leave anything to express your feelings about what happened in Sharm el-Sheikh and about terrorism. Just put anything you want, a picture, a poem, a candle, flowers...

It will be open for sometime after this Thursday, so come anytime you like!

بدءاً من ظهر الخميس 28 - 7 - 2005

في حديقة ساقية الصاوي

اتركوا وردة ، أقيدوا شمعة ، خطوا عبارة …

Not this way

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa
Rumors about Habib El-Adly and other top security cheifs leaving:

"An imminent change in the leadership of the Egyptian security services is expected ..."

"...the most senior national security directors are expected to resign or be replaced, possible along with the interior minister, Habib al-Adly."

link to the source

I hate them all on a personal level. But I would loved to see them go away with peacful dissent that comes from us. And not from …

Sharm in the media

in «Local & Regional» by moftasa

Ok, I am starting to recover from my shock. Here are some links related to the Sharm El-Sheikh bombings.

A Tragedy

in «Local & Regional» by moftasa

Since this is probably the largest terror attack to hit my home country in my lifetime. I think I have to post something.

My reaction is very different to other attacks, I am avoiding the news, television and other sources of information. On other similar events I would be glued to the TV and the Internet. Trying to follow every news piece or report.

I am glad, I didn't lose anyone I know. But still …

The democratic singularity

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

A technological singularity is a predicted time at which technological progress accelerates beyond the ability of present-day humans to fully comprehend or predict.

'''from the Wikipedia'''

I don't know if the political climate before the technological singularity have ever been discussed. But I am sure someone did and I am probably not aware. Which in itself means that we are still far from the singularity.

I speculate that today's democracy (in the world, I am …

We can see you

They can beat us. Steal our cameras. They can be as savage and mean as they want.

But we will never stop using technology. And technology will never stop improving. Innovations that empower and enable us will eventually converge.

Wifi Digital Camera's exist. That allows you to instantly email your photos or videos.

Wireless hotspots are mushrooming in Cairo. And you can even carry your own hotspot.

You can imagine.

A day in Sokhna

in «Blogging & Personal» by moftasa

Yesterday, I went with Ihab to Ain Sokhna to inquire and make contacts with boat owners for a long awaited fishing trip we wanted to organise. Previously we had plans for Hurghada, but the distance and expenses would not make it an easy thing.

We met Rayes Alala, in Sadat Beach (30Km north of Ain Sohkhna). We struck a fine deal with him. We will be paying 200EGP for a boat that can carry 7 …

The bastards stole my camera

in «Blogging & Personal» by moftasa

Some plain clothes police (they had a walkie-talkie) stole my camera and four or three of them dragged me from my shirt violently in the streets. They did the same to my friends. We were no directly upseting them we were just taking photos of another one of my firends being dragged and beaten.

I feel humiliated. They are so mean and invincible.

This happened infront of the Ministry of Justice and after almost everyone …