Most Recent Bookmarks

🔗 PC Part Picker



We provide computer part selection, compatibility, and pricing guidance for do-it-yourself computer builders.

🔗 mdBook


mdBook is a command line tool to create books with Markdown. It is ideal for creating product or API documentation, tutorials, course materials or anything that requires a clean, easily navigable and customizable presentation.

🔗 A leaky umbrella has little value: evidence clearly indicates the serotonin system is implicated in depression


A recent “umbrella” review examined various biomarkers relating to the serotonin system, and concluded there was no consistent evidence implicating serotonin in the pathophysiology of depression. We present reasons for why this conclusion is overstated, including methodological weaknesses in the review process, selective reporting of data, over-simplification, and errors in the interpretation of neuropsychopharmacological findings. We use the examples of tryptophan depletion and serotonergic molecular imaging, the two research areas most relevant to the investigation of serotonin, to illustrate this.

🔗 50 Years of Text Games: Portal


The main purpose of this portal is for readers of 50 Years of Text Games to find up-to-date links to play, download, or buy each game covered in the book. Each entry also has a collection of bonus links, including items like interviews with authors, hints and manuals, scans of vintage ads, and links to other online coverage.

Most of these games are best played on a desktop or laptop computer, rather than a mobile or tablet device.

🔗 Prince of Persia 2 - The Shadow and the Flame



After having defeated the evil Grand Vizier Jaffar, the brave Prince claimed just one reward: the hand of the beautiful daughter of the Persian Sultan. However, as the Prince approached the palace, his appearance suddenly turned into that of a beggar. Someone who looked just like the Prince ordered to throw him out. It turns out that Jaffar is alive and back for vengeance. Banished from the palace, the unfortunately Prince must travel to faraway lands and find a way to defeat the villain.

Prince of Persia 2 is, like its predecessor, a cinematic platformer. Much of the gameplay is reminiscent of the first game, focusing on precise jumping puzzles, swordfighting, and overcoming many hazards in order to stay alive …

🔗 Language Reactor


Firefox add-on is "coming soon".

Language Reactor is a powerful toolbox for learning languages. It helps you to discover, understand, and learn from native materials. Studying will become more effective, interesting, and enjoyable! (formerly called 'Language Learning with Netflix')