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🔗 المعرفة - ملفات خاصة 2008 - الزيدية.. إمامية بلا عصمة


ويميزون أنفسهم عن الاثني عشرية بأن ليس للإمام مقام يقارب النبي من حيث العصمة والوحي، وأنهم يرفضون مبدأ "توريث الإمامة" وأن الإمام عندهم هو من آل البيت ولكنه يستحق هذا المنصب "بالعلم والفضل والجهاد وليس بالوراثة".

🔗 Therapy Culture: Cultivating Vulnerability in an Uncertain Age


We air our feelings and dirty laundry on television talk shows. Many Americans rely on advice from a therapist to get them through daily crises and boost our self-esteem. The news media constantly relays stories of people "at risk". And our lunch conversations are sprinkled with the phrases "scarred for life," "emotionally fragile", and "How did I get here." Annotated link

🔗 جريدة البديل - 1700 مواطن يتظاهرون في مطروح ويرشقون المحافظ بالحجارة


إلقاء العاملين بمستشفي مطروح العام المواطن جاد عبدالكريم (45 سنة) في الشارع بناء علي أوامر أطباء المستشفي Annotated link

🔗 Call for entries: Short film competition to mark the Day in Support of Torture Victims


Each year, IRCT centres and programmes commemorate the UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture through events that highlight the importance of preventing torture and providing rehabilitation to torture survivors. Previously, the IRCT had two 30-second television spots produced: “You can do something to stop torture” and “Let’s erase torture”. We are looking to expand our portfolio of TV spots by sponsoring a short-film competition. Anyone with an interest in helping to promote the vision of the IRCT is welcome to enter.

🔗 Location |


The Location module allows real-world geographic locations to be associated with Drupal nodes, including people, places, and other content. The Location module allows admins to collect addresses, geocode them (translate addresses to lattitude/longitude), and associate locations with Drupal nodes and users. Annotated link

🔗 GMap Module |


GMap can be used to create interactive maps with various map markers and content in map bubbles, taking advantage of Drupal's other content management features Annotated link