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The Digital Assets Repository (DAR) is a system developed at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, the Library of Alexandria, to create and maintain library's digital collections. DAR acts as a repository for all types of digital material, thus preserving and archiving the digital media as well as, providing public access to digitized collections through a web-based search and browsing facilities. The goal of this project is building a digital resources repository by supporting the creation, use, and preservation of a variety of digital resources, as well as the development of management tools. These tools help the library to preserve, manage and share digital assets. The system is based on evolving standards for easy integration with web-based interoperable digital libraries.

🔗 انخفاض كبير في عدد المسافرين بطريق الجو بين مصر واسرائيل | أخبار الشرق الأوس | Reuters


وأنشئت شركة أير سيناء بعد توقيع معاهدة السلام المصرية الاسرائيلية عام 1979 لنقل الركاب بين البلدين منعا لتعرض شركة مصر للطيران للمقاطعة في أغلب العواصم العربية لو كانت نظمت رحلات الى اسرائيل

🔗 Not Exactly Rocket Science : Attendance at religious services, but not religious devotion, predicts support for suicide attacks


Ginges found that a person's stance on martyrdom had little to do with their religious devotion or to any particular religious belief. Instead, it was the collective side of religion that affected their stance - those who frequently took part in religious rituals and services, were most likely to support martyrdom.

🔗 Amnesty urges authorities to disclose whereabouts of detained blogger

Gad has connections with other disappeared or detained Gaza activists. According to a message sent out by Gad on the Jaiku instant messaging service on Feb. 3, he had taken part in a protest calling for the release of secretary general of the Labor Party Magdy Hussein with Ghad Party member Hossam Shehata outside the Cairo public prosecution office.

🔗 Schizophrenia as Failure of Left Hemispheric Dominance for the Phonological Component of Language


We show for the first time how the deficit of lateralization in the schizophrenic brain is specific for the phonological component of language. This loss of hemispheric dominance would explain typical symptoms, e.g. when an individual's own thoughts are perceived as an external intruding voice. The change can be interpreted as a consequence of “hemispheric indecision”, a failure to segregate phonological engrams in one hemisphere.

🔗 الحبس والغرامة للمتزوجين عرفيا والشهود في مصر


وإنطلاقا من هذه الدراسة تقدمت ابتسام حبيب عضو مجلس الشعب بمشروع قانون يتضمن تعديل بعض أحكام قانون التوثيق لمواجهة حالات التسيب فى توثيق عقود الزواج بين المصريين أو بين المصريين والعرب والأجانب حيث يعاقب القانون المقترح طرفى الزواج العرفى بالحبس مدة لا تقل عن سنة وغرامة لا تقل عن ألف جنيه ولا تتجاوز عشرة آلاف جنيه أو بإحداهما.

🔗 Egyptian security must be called to account, despite the release of Philip Rizk

I was repeatedly questioned about everything and I was terrified. Although I was not abused physically, I was blind-folded all the time. Officers kept saying to me: "Do you know what we can do to you?", and I was threatened with long term imprisonment. They asked me if I supported Hamas, was working for Israel, and, being Christian, if I was an evangelist. I was never informed of any charges against me.”