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🔗 Gender dysphoria: recognition and assessment


The role of the mental health professional, and of the psychiatrist in particular, is evolving and changing. As the recognition of transsexualism and gender identity disorder expands across the transgender spectrum, it has been recommended that gender dysphoria should replace existing diagnostic terminology. Patient-focused care is evolving and this article considers the limitations of current healthcare settings and how the mental health professional can support patients undergoing the real-life experience. Differentiation from other mental health conditions that may present as gender dysphoria is outlined, as well as specific clinical situations.

Mental health professionals may come into contact with transgender patients under various circumstances. These may range from patients presenting to a psychiatrist for the first time seeking help with cross-gender identification matters, to those with an established diagnosis …

🔗 Gadgetbridge


Gadgetbridge is an Android (4.4+) application which will allow you to use your Pebble, Mi Band, Amazfit Bip and HPlus device (and more) without the vendor's closed source application and without the need to create an account and transmit any of your data to the vendor's servers.

🔗 Internalized sexual stigma as an internal minority stress: The Egyptian gay experience


This qualitative study examined the process of Internalized Sexual Stigma (ISS) in a sample of Egyptian gay men. Participants' experience of ISS was explained using the theoretical understanding that it represents an internal form of minority stress, which is the excess and harmful stress often experienced by individuals from stigmatized social categories due to their minority position. Thematic analysis of interviews with eight Egyptian gay males suggested that these men experienced internal minority stress as a result of the sexually-prejudiced messages they received from different sectors of their society, including its non-affirming religious institutions. Moreover, thematic analysis added cultural understanding to this theoretical explanation by producing an emerging theme that highlighted the possible role of societal pressure to meet gender expectations in perpetuating this problem. Recommendations for mental …

🔗 Keeping Quiet - Pablo Neruda


If we were not so single-minded

about keeping our lives moving,

and for once could do nothing,

perhaps a huge silence

might interrupt this sadness

of never understanding ourselves

and of threatening ourselves with
