🔗 Zero Waste Club Maadi - Cooking oil recycling point
Cooking oil collection point in Maadi @ ACE club
Cooking oil collection point in Maadi @ ACE club
Reporting guidelines for main study types
"This guide will help you create links between your academic publications and the underlying datasets, so that anyone viewing the publication will be able to locate the dataset and vice versa. It provides a working knowledge of the issues and challenges involved, and of how current approaches seek to address them. This guide should interest researchers and principal investigators working on data-led research, as well as the data repositories with which they work."
I am the programming equivalent of a home cook.
This book examines how video game mechanics and narratives can teach players skills associated with increased psychological well-being.
The following table provides a listing of people on Twitter who write about, talk about, or study the overlap between video games and academic fields like psychology, communications, economics, sociology, etc.
Take This works to decrease the stigma, and increase the support for, mental health in the game enthusiast community and inside the game industry.
Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.
A Global Database of Society
A growing, world-wide, collection of recipes, translated into, or written in, English with links to other languages.
أثار قانون 2009 جدالاً منذ بداية الحديث عنه في عام 2008 بسبب انقسام العاملين في مجال الطب النفسي لتيارين. التيار الأول شارك في صياغة القانون وأيده، ويرفض أي تعديلات تنتقص من حقوق المرضى أو تعمل على تغيير المصطلحات واقتطاع المزيد من الميزانية المحددة لقطاع المرض النفسي. الثاني يرفض القانون ويسعى منذ سنوات ومن خلال قنوات مختلفة لإقرار تعديلات تسلب المريض النفسي حرية تقرير مصيره وتزيد من سلطة الطبيب النفسي وسطوته.
Google drive extension that uses markdown
Using an external filter, pandoc-citeproc, pandoc can automatically generate citations and a bibliography in a number of styles. Basic usage is
The Plain English Campaign has a simple rule of thumb to help everyone: less means "not as much," whereas fewer means "not as many".
First repetition: 1 day
The Disease of Addiction is also Feminine”: A Feminist Analysis of the Gender Dimensions of Addiction
The addictive drug can boost your cognition and won’t give you cancer, but that doesn’t mean it’s safe for casual use
Browser extension to copy hyperlinks, images, and selected text as Markdown
Bash has lots of different kinds of brackets. Like, many much lots. It adds meaning to doubling up different brackets, and a dollar sign in front means something even more different. And, the brackets are used differently than many other languages. I constantly find myself doing a 5-second search for which one is the right one to do since I’m not writing Bash scripts all the time. So here, I’m going to lay them all out and then print this article out and staple it to the wall by my desk. Possibly with a decorative frame. So here we go.
This article intends to help you to start programming basic-intermediate shell scripts
A system for organising data using numerical index in the names of folders.
->tldr; I made a zip file with 4000+ topic folders to organise an ebook collection. No books included!
The BISAC Subject Headings List, also known as the BISAC Subject Codes List, is a standard used by many companies throughout the supply chain to categorize books based on topical content. The Subject Heading applied to a book can determine where the work is shelved in a brick and mortar store or the genre(s) under which it can be searched for in an internal database.
WireGuard® is an extremely simple yet fast and modern VPN that utilizes state-of-the-art cryptography. It aims to be faster, simpler, leaner, and more useful than IPsec, while avoiding the massive headache. It intends to be considerably more performant than OpenVPN. WireGuard is designed as a general purpose VPN for running on embedded interfaces and super computers alike, fit for many different circumstances. Initially released for the Linux kernel, it is now cross-platform (Windows, macOS, BSD, iOS, Android) and widely deployable. It is currently under heavy development, but already it might be regarded as the most secure, easiest to use, and simplest VPN solution in the industry.
Telegra.ph is a minimalist publishing tool that allows you to create richly formatted posts and push them to the Web in just a click. Telegraph posts also get beautiful Instant View pages on Telegram.