🔗 Fraidycat
Fraidycat is a desktop app or browser extension for Firefox or Chrome. I use it to follow people (hundreds) on whatever platform they choose - Twitter, a blog, YouTube, even on a public TiddlyWiki.
Fraidycat is a desktop app or browser extension for Firefox or Chrome. I use it to follow people (hundreds) on whatever platform they choose - Twitter, a blog, YouTube, even on a public TiddlyWiki.
This briefing note summarises key mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) considerations in relation to the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
books, resources and tips for anyone who wants to learn mathematics
A new book by Greta Thunberg’s mother reveals the reality of family life during her daughter’s transformation from bullied teenager to climate icon
Welcome to Aesthetics Wiki, a place to catalog and describe different visual cultures and musical microgenres of the internet and how you can make your own art to fit in with these cultures or even buy fashion to show solidarity
Godot is a free and open-source game engine that allows you to create 2D and 3D games.
Get things from one computer to another, safely.
Core mental health books
Solismed is a clinic management system designed for use by independent practices and free clinics. Many time-saving tools are provided to boost your productivity.
Cooking oil collection point in Maadi @ ACE club
Reporting guidelines for main study types
"This guide will help you create links between your academic publications and the underlying datasets, so that anyone viewing the publication will be able to locate the dataset and vice versa. It provides a working knowledge of the issues and challenges involved, and of how current approaches seek to address them. This guide should interest researchers and principal investigators working on data-led research, as well as the data repositories with which they work."
I am the programming equivalent of a home cook.
This book examines how video game mechanics and narratives can teach players skills associated with increased psychological well-being.
The following table provides a listing of people on Twitter who write about, talk about, or study the overlap between video games and academic fields like psychology, communications, economics, sociology, etc.
Take This works to decrease the stigma, and increase the support for, mental health in the game enthusiast community and inside the game industry.
Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.
A Global Database of Society
A growing, world-wide, collection of recipes, translated into, or written in, English with links to other languages.
أثار قانون 2009 جدالاً منذ بداية الحديث عنه في عام 2008 بسبب انقسام العاملين في مجال الطب النفسي لتيارين. التيار الأول شارك في صياغة القانون وأيده، ويرفض أي تعديلات تنتقص من حقوق المرضى أو تعمل على تغيير المصطلحات واقتطاع المزيد من الميزانية المحددة لقطاع المرض النفسي. الثاني يرفض القانون ويسعى منذ سنوات ومن خلال قنوات مختلفة لإقرار تعديلات تسلب المريض النفسي حرية تقرير مصيره وتزيد من سلطة الطبيب النفسي وسطوته.
Google drive extension that uses markdown
Using an external filter, pandoc-citeproc, pandoc can automatically generate citations and a bibliography in a number of styles. Basic usage is
The Plain English Campaign has a simple rule of thumb to help everyone: less means "not as much," whereas fewer means "not as many".
First repetition: 1 day
The Disease of Addiction is also Feminine”: A Feminist Analysis of the Gender Dimensions of Addiction