🔗 Coronavirus (covid-19): Latest news and resources | The BMJ
This page collects all BMJ coverage of the coronavirus outbreak from across the BMJ's journals and learning resources. All articles and resources are freely available.
This page collects all BMJ coverage of the coronavirus outbreak from across the BMJ's journals and learning resources. All articles and resources are freely available.
Free UpToDate information on COVID-19, constantly updated.
Facebook forum for COVID-19 discussions for Egyptian doctors
Chinese handbook for COVID-19 management
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Number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Egypt
Travel updates in response to coronavirus pandemic
Vital articles are lists of subjects for which the English Wikipedia should have corresponding featured-class articles. They serve as centralized watchlists to track the status of Wikipedia's most important articles. The very most important articles are in Level 1.
جمعية حماية البيئة من التلوث جمعية غير هادفة للربح تعمل على دعم ومساندة جامعي القمامة في مدينة القاهرة أي فئة "الزبالين" تحديدا. وتسعى الجمعية إلى مساعدة تلك الفئة المهمشة في الأخذ بطرق مبتكرة لتحسين بيئتها ورفع مستوى معيشتها في الوقت نفسه.
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The local government of Wuhan has implemented policies to address these mental health problems. Medical staff infected with 2019-nCoV while at work will be identified as having work-related injuries.3
Patients with confirmed or suspected 2019-nCoV may experience fear of the consequences of infection with a potentially fatal new virus, and those in quarantine might experience boredom, loneliness, and anger. Furthermore, symptoms of the infection, such as fever, hypoxia, and cough, as well as adverse effects of treatment, such as insomnia caused by corticosteroids, could lead to worsening anxiety and mental distress. 2019-nCoV has been repeatedly described as a killer virus, for example on WeChat, which has perpetuated the sense of danger and uncertainty among health workers and the public. In the early phase of the SARS outbreak, a range of psychiatric morbidities, including persistent depression, anxiety, panic attacks, psychomotor excitement, psychotic symptoms, delirium, and even suicidality, were reported.6
Most reviewed studies reported negative psychological effects including post-traumatic stress symptoms, confusion, and anger. Stressors included longer quarantine duration, infection fears, frustration, boredom, inadequate supplies, inadequate information, financial loss, and stigma. Some researchers have suggested long-lasting effects. In situations where quarantine is deemed necessary, officials should quarantine individuals for no longer than required, provide clear rationale for quarantine and information about protocols, and ensure sufficient supplies are provided. Appeals to altruism by reminding the public about the benefits of quarantine to wider society can be favourable.
Paper by China CDC published on 2020-02-11
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This briefing note summarises key mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) considerations in relation to the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
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