🔗 MEDSU - Empowering and Supporting Doctors
MEDSU is a global open doctor’s organisation based in the UK, supporting medical professionals here in the UK and around the world. Including GMC revalidation.
MEDSU is a global open doctor’s organisation based in the UK, supporting medical professionals here in the UK and around the world. Including GMC revalidation.
a minimal site with prewritten emails.
Graphic Medicine is a site that explores the interaction between the medium of comics and the discourse of healthcare. We are a community of academics, health carers, authors, artists, and fans of comics and medicine.
Is it possible to ethically treat someone with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) developed as a result of inflicting torture on others? That's the question posed in a paper published last summer in AJOB Neuroscience, but there's a twist. The paper is written and illustrated as a comic book by Lehigh University artist and neuroscientist Ann E. Fink.
More brilliant talks from past meetings here:
OCRmyPDF adds an OCR text layer to scanned PDF files, allowing them to be searched
pdfsandwich generates "sandwich" OCR pdf files, i.e. pdf files which contain only images (no text) will be processed by optical character recognition (OCR) and the text will be added to each page invisibly "behind" the images.
First neuro psychiatry ain shams
Recording of ASU Psychology Lectures for Masters Program
This service allows you to create RSS feed out of almost any web page. Your only task is to provide us with target URL and point on desired blocks in our visual RSS builder.
Happy new year and happy public domain day!
For the Greek walnut cake
For the cake
"It became clear that it was not nicotine vaping that was implicated. Details were slow to emerge because the substances involved were in fact cartridges containing cannabis (primarily tetrahydrocannabinol or THC). These were often obtained on the illicit market, and in some cases being used by children. This meant users were reluctant to admit what they had vaped.
An imperfect tool for drawing and exploring symmetrical patterns and designs. It can export pictures, pattern tiles for fabric and wallpaper design, and SVG for further editing. You can also publish your drawings and share them on Facebook and Twitter, or even have them printed onto custom wrapping paper or fabrics via Zazzle.
A story of adversity, therapy, ECT and redemption; severe depression and serious inspiration
تعديلات قانون رعاية المريض النفسي: تقهقر إلى الوراء -- بقلم د. راجية الجرزاوي
List of some of the private mental health clinics available in Cairo and Alexandria
Complete soundtrack of The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild
Open-source illustrations for every project you can imagine and create
Hardened and Brittle: Egypt’s Authoritarian Fragility by @tekaldas | @TimepDC,
The orexin system in the lateral hypothalamus and dorsal medical hypothalamus/perifornical area is activated during wakening and silent during sleep. It is the system that is disrupted in narcolepsy. It is also the system that coordinates the activity of the other arousal centers in the brain including the TMN-HA, LC-NE, DRN-5-HT, VTA-DA, and cholinergic neurons in the Nucleus Basalis of Meynert (NBM-Ach).
تعديلات قانون رعاية المريض النفسي تنتهك حقوق المرضى في الصحة والسلامة
جبهة الدفاع عن مستشفى العباسية للصحة النفسية ترفض التعديلات المقترحة على قانون رعاية المريض النفسي رقم 71 لسنة 2009