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🔗 Effects of patient suicide on psychiatrists: survey of experiences and support required


!!!Aims and method

Death of patients by suicide can have powerful effects on psychiatrists. We report the findings of a survey completed by 174 psychiatrists on the effects of patient suicide on their emotional well-being and clinical practice, and the support and resources they felt would be helpful.

!!!Results and clinical implications

The death of a patient by suicide usually had a major effect on respondents. Clinical practice was often negatively affected, and over a quarter of respondents considered a change of career path as a result. There were some gender differences in responses, with women reporting more sense of responsibility for the deaths and a greater effect on their clinical confidence. Desired support included a senior suicide lead clinician, support during formal post-suicide processes, opportunity for reflection …

🔗 منظمة الصحة العالمية: حالة انتحار كل 40 ثانية حول العالم ومصر الأولى عربيا - FRANCE 24


تفوقت مصر على الدول العربية التي تشهد نزاعات مسلحة وحروبا أهلية حيث شهدت 3799 حالة انتحار في عام 2016، وتجاوز عدد الرجال المنتحرين أعداد النساء المنتحرات (3095 مقابل 704)