🔗 تعديلات قانون رعاية المريض النفسي تنتهك حقوق المرضى في الصحة والسلامة | المبادرة المصرية للحقوق الشخصية
تعديلات قانون رعاية المريض النفسي تنتهك حقوق المرضى في الصحة والسلامة
تعديلات قانون رعاية المريض النفسي تنتهك حقوق المرضى في الصحة والسلامة
جبهة الدفاع عن مستشفى العباسية للصحة النفسية ترفض التعديلات المقترحة على قانون رعاية المريض النفسي رقم 71 لسنة 2009
We are specific to the context we are born in, the here and now: What does it mean to live in Egypt, in the shadow of a profound political transformation? We want to stitch together an account of this life and how it is changing, from all of its different angles: our society, our economy, our health, our urban environment, our education. We pay attention to culture and cultural production and how it interfaces with this reality. We bounce between negotiating and resisting a new-old type of authority, in a wide spectrum of practices for survival. This calls for a constant exercise of dissecting power, and this intellectual exercise can only start from an empirical place: information first. The story we published, and got punished for, belongs to …
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لجنة الصحة بـ #البرلمان تعقد اليوم جلسات استماع حول قانون رعاية المريض النفسى
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In the body of this article there is a spot-on analysis by Mr Mohamed Zeydan on the real drive beyond the decision:
“They’ll bring money to the banks, all at the expense of the people,” declared Mohammed Zaydan, a 52-year-old father of five who started driving a tuk-tuk after struggling to find work as a painter. “If they ban the tuk-tuk, they trample on the poor.” <<<
Kwiziq French covers every conceivable grammar topic and rule across the French language! This section contains some of the most popular lessons in our system.
The Plain Text Project is here to help you figure out if working in plain text and living a plain text life is right for you. In this space, I share ideas, tips, and techniques. I explain how to meld plain text into your life. I try to share my love of working in plain text with you.
"This letter is a plea to psychiatrists worldwide to follow us in changing the name of ECT to BST, in order to decrease the stigma associated to this therapy and to allow more patients receiving a treatment that has become unpopular also because of its name, but that, if applied in the correct manner, can be life saving."
Preventing suicide: a resource for media professionals - update 2017 -- by the @WHO
"In this lesson you’ll hear from Pixar directors and story artists about how they got their start and what stories inspire them, and you’ll begin to think about what kinds of stories you might want to tell."
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Here’s a gif of that moon wobble, via NASA’s Scientific Visulization Studio & . It’s called…
Ruling against emergency involuntary ect without oversight
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Proposed mental health law update
All of the countries recently experiencing popular revolts—and most of the rest of the planet—have for decades been ruled by a single economic model, in which the “growth” celebrated by the pedigreed few means immiseration for the many, and capital streams into American and European accounts as reliably as sewage flows downhill.
This guidebook is written for those individuals who have chosen to dedicate a time in their life to work with abused women, children and their abusers. It attempts to recognize the unique experience of anti-violence workers in Canada and to promote individual, professional and organizational solutions to support them.Vicarious trauma is one outcome of this work. The effects of vicarious trauma are cumulative and build upon memories obtained through listening to the stories of one inhumane act of cruelty after another. This creates a permanent, subtle or marked change in the personal, political, spiritual and professional outlook of the counsellor or advocate. Vicarious trauma has a life-changing effect on individuals, ultimately affecting their view of the world and their relationships and connections to families, friends …
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