🔗 Psychiatry & Mental Health
Number of untagged bookmarks: <$count filter="[untagged[]!is[system]sort[title]]">
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<$list filter="[tags[]!is[system]sort[title]]"><$transclude tiddler="$:/core/ui/TagTemplate"/><$count filter="[all[current]tagging[]]"/>
Names of 48 doctors listed.
Mental health outcomes among healthcare staff in Italy. No sampling frame.
Side by side bilingual classic books.
.tc-tagged-RTL .tc-tiddler-title, .tc-tagged-RTL .tc-tags-wrapper, .tc-tagged-RTL .tc-tiddler-body { direction: rtl; }
.tc-tiddler-frame.tc-tagged-RTL .tc-tiddler-controls { float: left; }
17.3% من إجمالي السُكان (15 سنة فأكثر) مدخـنون وهو ما يمثل 11.1 مليون نسمة وفقاً لتقديرات السكان لعام 2018 .
ولفت إليّ أنه يتعرض نحو 30 مليون فرد للتدخين السلبي بسبب وجود فرد مدخن أو أكثر داخل الأسر
The psychological impact of outbreaks on individuals includes an intense and wide range of psychiatric morbidities. People are likely to experience feelings as; worry about being infected or getting sick, increased self-blame, and helplessness. This study aimed to assess the impact of COVID-19 on mental health and social support among Egyptian adults during the period of the pandemic. This is a cross-sectional observational study using an anonymous online questionnaire. The survey was conducted through a link shared on social networking sites. It was conducted from 2 May 2020 to 9 May 2020. The general populations of the Egyptian adults were included by using convenience and snowball sampling technique (510 adults). Impact Event scale mean 34.3 ± 15. About 211 (41.4%) suffered a severe impact. There was an …
Large collection of pirated books and academic articles.
This wiki has all my bookmarks. I started sharing my bookmarks in 2004 with a service called del.icio.us. It was a great service that let you share interesting bits from the web or discover new ones. [[Delicious is a ghost now.|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delicious_(website)]]. Haunting the ephemeral web. Where all links will sooner or later rot.
I tried to [[self-host|self-hosted]] in 2015. Self-hosting is fun and empowering. But it is too much work. I moved to [[Pinboard|https://pinboard.in/]]. Which is great, but I couldn't afford paying for so many web services so I made this wiki.
I miss the old web. I can't let it go. The links here help me find things. And help me rediscover them.
I …
VR/AR meetings and collaboration.
Virtually every object suggests a time and place. The Monobloc is one of the few objects I can think of that is free of any specific context. Seeing a white plastic chair in a photograph offers you no clues about where or when you are.
Refnotes is a set of macros and stylesheets for creating abbreviations, footnotes and citations. It also makes tables of footnotes, abbreviations (glossaery) and references (bibliography table).
بعد مرور 3 أشهر على ظهور أول حالة إيجابية مصابة بفيروس كورونا (كوفيد-19) في مصر، تم العمل على عدد من مجموعات البيانات (Datasets)، بهدف اتاحتها للجميع. نرحب بالتعليقات والاضافات والعمل التشاركي على المشروع.
RTL support for TiddlyWiki -- pretty easy.
StretchText is an hypertext concept. Ted Nelson coined the term around 1967 (ref). It enables authoring text for different readers with of interest or knowledge. It's an alternative to links and pop-ups but it lets the reading stay in the text.
زنچة هي منصّة تفاعليّة وطريق آمن لتطبيقات الخصوصيّة وتجاوز الحجب على الانترنت. هي مكان واحد لاكتشاف، تنزيل، تجريب، وتقييم تطبيقات الأمان الرّقمي.
Tiddlywiki formatting reference
TiddlyWiki Formatting Cheat Sheet
An interesting TiddlyWiki configuration. Uses backlinks and transclusion.
Have you ever had the feeling that your head is not quite big enough to hold everything you need to remember?
Compared with lower risk controls, staff in contact with affected patients had greater levels of both acute or post-traumatic stress (odds ratio 1.71, 95% confidence interval 1.28 to 2.29) and psychological distress (1.74, 1.50 to 2.03), with similar results for continuous outcomes. These findings were the same as in the other studies not included in the meta-analysis. Risk factors for psychological distress included being younger, being more junior, being the parents of dependent children, or having an infected family member. Longer quarantine, lack of practical support, and stigma also contributed. Clear communication, access to adequate personal protection, adequate rest, and both practical and psychological support were associated with reduced morbidity
scrcpy it’s a small app that lets you mirror your Android phone screen on your desktop via a USB cable (or wirelessly using android adb). You can interact with your device and all of its apps using a regular mouse/touchpad and keyboard.
The Fresh Loaf, a community for amateur artisan bakers and bread enthusiasts!