Most Recent Bookmarks

🔗 Marx's ideas in 800 words


Co-operation in place of competition, bring equality where there is inequality.

Through the collective mass action of the great majority in society - the potential for realising justice and liberation for the whole of humanity. <<<

🔗 Public prosecutor puts rape-survivng minor in a shelter instead of remand


أمر النائب العام، المستشار حمادة الصاوي، باستبدال الحبس الاحتياطي لآية، المعروفة باسم منة عبدالعزيز، الشهيرة بـ”فتاة تيك توك”، وإيداعها أحد مراكز مشروع وزارة التضامن الاجتماعي الخاصة بـ”استضافة وحماية المرأة المُعَنَّفة”.

وقالت النيابة العامة، في بيان، إن المُتهمة واسمها الحقيقي آية، قبلت استبدال الحبس بالبقاء في مركز الحماية باعتباره موطنًا وسكنًا لها، نتيجة لعدم وجود محل إقامة ثابت لديها.

وكانت منة عبدالعزيز، التي تمتلك حسابًا على تطبيق “تيك توك”، قد حُبست مع 6 آخرين، بعد توجيه تهمتي “التحريض على الفسق” و”تزوير حساب إلكتروني”. <<<

🔗 Tag Rules


!! Tag Rules

  • Try to [[tag the notes by the context you would like to retrieve it by|Quick and practical introduction to Zettelkasten note taking]]
  • All lowercase, even for acronyms
  • No ~CamelCase
  • Dashes instead of spaces
  • No plural
  • Always in English

Read [[How to Use Tags]]

🔗 German study showed compulsory mask use lowered daily COVID-19 rate by 40%


We use the synthetic control method to analyze the effect of face masks on the spread of Covid-19 in Germany. Our identification approach exploits regional variation in the point in time when face masks became compulsory. Depending on the region we analyse, we find that face masks reduced the cumulative number of registered Covid-19 cases between 2.3% and 13% over a period of 10 days after they became compulsory. Assessing the credibility of the various estimates, we conclude that face masks reduce the daily growth rate of reported infections by around 40%. <<<

🔗 imposition


Imposition refers to the process of arranging a book's pages so that once the printed signature sheets are folded and trimmed, the pages will appear in the correct order.

🔗 Tiddler Commander


Tiddler Commander, in short Commander is a unique tool for batch operations on tiddlers. Commander has the below features

  • Bulk tiddler creation/deletion
  • Combo search to filter and select tiddlers
  • Title operation: add, remove prefixes and suffixes, also remove cahras form begining and end of title (on renaming tiddlers, relink can be used to update title in other tiddlers)
  • Tag operation: add, remove, replace
  • Field operation: add, remove, rename, and set field value
  • SNR, search and replace in all fields including text, tags, title, and common fields
  • Inspect, to review and inspect tiddlers in one place, scroll among them and edit all fields (including common fields), tags, text (title is an exception!)
  • Log, create logs of all operations
  • Search, save and load any combination of filter search

🔗 Memphis Pattern



The Memphis Style is one of the most instantly recognisable design styles. It's known for its use of bright neon, primary and pastel colors, geometric shapes, and bold, repetitive patterns. The style is experiencing a resurgence in graphic design and illustration, as the trend for reviving all things eighties and maximalist continues to feel fresh and relevant.

As the Memphis Style is a mish-mash of various design styles that were popular during the 1980s

🔗 Filesystems should drop the desktop metaphor and enable tags


In my opinion, we need to get rid of the desktop metaphor. The powerful computer sitting on my desk currently does not offer as advanced interface possibilities than any web page on the Internet. What a shame.

The basic idea should be that the representation of information is only defined by the context of the retrieval process and not the context or a location when storing it.

Tagging in combination with advanced retrieval methods such as TagTrees is one example of many. Fast desktop search with high usability is another one. Provide and use as many retrieval options as possible. The journey has just begun. In my opinion, we are still in the stone-age of IT. There is more to come.

🔗 Everything Is Miscellaneous: The Power of the New Digital Disorder


From Jenne on Goodreads:

The author has one thing he wants to tell you in this book: faceted classification is awesome, and now that more things are digitized, we can actually use it.

(Faceted classification is where something is categorized in more than one place, e.g. how you can put a book on more than one Goodreads shelf, as opposed to in real life where it can only be in one physical location)

I kept skipping chapters to see if he had anything else to say, but if he did I missed it. He does have a lot of interesting metaphors that he uses to explain things, at least. Like if …