🔗 وفيات الأهرام من 2002 حتى ابريل 2008
14MB compressed text file of 46328 obituary
14MB compressed text file of 46328 obituary
إقرأ المادة 35
twitter blocked by etisalat the ISP in UAE... along with flickr, parts of facebook, youtube etc.. the evil mother of etisalat egypt
Holywood style live monitor of what is going on in Egypt!!
I am living in the future .. yay!
Doctors’ Syndicate voted to hold protests outside hospitals for better pay on April 23.
direct link to wmv file
Assad's photo makes it to engadget
Journal of Current Psychiatry
Journal of Current Psychiatry
Journal of Current Psychiatry
scientology drug rehab program in Egypt
Muslims in Egypt using Narconon
The number 1 portal for psychiatry in Arab world. A web 0.1 style site that is hard to navigate .. note to self regularly check the agenda
Cairo, 11-12 March, 2008
the usual Schengen visa shit
Doctors say they are torn between working with integrity and trying to survive financially.
youtube clone for local stuff
أن ابنه المتوفي، كان يعاني حالة اكتئاب شديدة، وكشف عن أنه ترك خطاباً بخط يده قال فيه: إنه قرر الانتحار بإلقاء نفسه من فوق سطح المنزل، لضيقه م
دخول مصر كدولة نووية سلمية ليس هو الحل السليم حاليا للحصول علي الطاقة
قانون سنة 1944
Egyptian MOH: Metal Health Secretariat
I find our energy policy unclear (like everything). Are we going to expand on clean energy or build nuclear waste ?
عماد بعرور - سعيد الهوا - البلبيسى -
screen capture from call for duty video game .. WW3 in Cairo, Egypt