🔗 YouTube - Egypt poised for reform on mental health
Egypt's parliament is due to vote on a law that would reform the treatment of hospital patients. Today thousands of patients, abandoned by their families, are interned in psychiatric hospitals.
Egypt's parliament is due to vote on a law that would reform the treatment of hospital patients. Today thousands of patients, abandoned by their families, are interned in psychiatric hospitals.
In Hansen's view, dealing with climate change allows no room for the compromises that rule the world of elected politics. "This is analagous to the issue of slavery faced by Abraham Lincoln or the issue of Nazism faced by Winston Churchill," he said. "On those kind of issues you cannot compromise. You can't say let's reduce slavery, let's find a compromise and reduce it 50% or reduce it 40%."
from Chrome OS at the bottom of the stack to Google Search at the top, it is becoming an end-to-end infrastructure all run by Google, the largest advertising company in the world. I prefer a heterogeneous Internet with lots of parties collaborating to make this thing work as opposed to an Internet run by one big company.
The brain of patient H.M. will be sliced, stained and scanned and will be as a digital map.
CAIRO: Security forces arrested on Friday night Mohamed Abdel Ghaffar, son of Abdel Ghaffar Mohamed, the judge who presided over late President Anwar Sadat’s assassination case.
Arab musicians copying/stealing their Turkish counterparts.
Bits from the media war on Algeria
EM-DAT contains essential core data on the occurrence and effects of over 16,000 mass disasters in the world from 1900 to present. The database is compiled from various sources, including UN agencies, non-governmental organisations, insurance companies, research institutes and press agencies.
Readers have much to learn from Gladwell the journalist and essayist. But when it comes to Gladwell the social scientist, they should watch out for those igon values.
Iron build up damaging vessels?
أرأيتم أشباه المطربين المصريين الذين ظهروا أول أمس يبكون كالنساء، مع احترامي للنساء طبعا، في فضائيات العهر الإعلامي؟ أرأيتم ذاك البدين المدعو محمد فؤاد، الذي بدا من هيأته البشعة وكأنه حمال في ميناء وليس كمطرب؟
Supports donors in Egypt.
Closed mental Asylums in US and UK.
What’s interesting about Algeria and Egypt is that these are two very similar countries in terms of social identity, religion, economic status, oppression, etc. Which means that the Us vs The Unknown Other – the bogey man - element which is so often a theme in the Egyptian media has been more difficult to manufacture this time. The emphasis has been on the violent history of Egypt vs. Algeria encounters and on the suggestion that “our Algerian brothers” have somehow betrayed their Arab identity.
Moodio brings web radio to your mobile phone.
The uncertainty in the magnitude of a measured quantity is more important as the value itself.
“Thousands of Egypt’s poor are trapped by poverty and neglect that could ultimately end in their deaths,” Malcolm Smart, director of Amnesty International’s Middle East and North Africa program, said in a press statement issued yesterday.
A woman in the fifth phase of the development contacted authorities and claimed that rocks had fallen and injured her. The local council countered her claim stating that she had made the complaint in an effort to be relocated and that she was injured during an altercation with a neighbor.
With a bad environment and poor parenting, orchid children can end up depressed, drug-addicted, or in jail—but with the right environment and good parenting, they can grow up to be society’s most creative, successful, and happy people.
Scientists from around the world gather in Alexandria to discuss evolution – but is religion getting in the way?
Comic based on the artist's life about depression.
Sharqawy was eventually released on Oct. 29, after signing a written pledge not to hold religious ceremonies or Christian meetings in his house.
A highly informative article about the case from A-Z.
In accurate but it's on state media now.
A collaborative mapping project to build a database of bloggers who have been threatened, arrested or killed for speaking out online and to draw attention to the campaigns to free them.