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🔗 اعتصام عمال الحديد والصلب 1989.. النهاية الحزينة لآخر موجة مد عمالي | مركز الدراسات الاشتراكية - مصر


عمال الحديد والصلب فكان مطلبهم رفع الحوافز الشهرية ومن أجله قام العمال باعتصامين شهيرين في يوليو وأغسطس 1989. على أثر الثاني تم اقتحام الشركة والتنكيل بالعمال ما بين قتيل واحد وعشرات من المصابين ومئات المعتقلين. ولكي نتعرف على الحدث عن قرب ونتعلم خبراته، علينا أن نرى الصورة في كليتها ونعود سويًا لأصل الموضوع لتتضح لنا الرؤية أكثر.

🔗 NEJM -- Who Has Capacity?


Alcoholism had cost him his career as a software engineer, his marriage, and the goodwill of his siblings. Now it was threatening to cut his life short. He'd been sober for nearly 6 months and might qualify for placement on the transplant list. But no, Mr. D. told his medical team. Someone else should get the liver, somebody who deserved it more.

🔗 Cross-cultural medicine and diverse health beliefs. Ethiopians abroad.


Sexually transmitted disease is attributed to urinating under a full moon. People with buda, "evil eye," are said to be able to harm others by looking at them. Ethiopians often complain of rasehn, "my head" (often saying it burns); yazorehnyal, "spinning" (not a true vertigo); and libehn, "my heart" (usually indicating dyspepsia rather than a cardiac problem). Most Ethiopians have faith in traditional healers and procedures. In children, uvulectomy (to prevent presumed suffocation during pharyngitis in babies), the extraction of lower incisors (to prevent diarrhea), and the incision of eyelids (to prevent or cure conjunctivitis) are common.