🔗 Wallace Fox obituary | World news | The Guardian
Medical researcher who revolutionised the treatment of TB
Medical researcher who revolutionised the treatment of TB
"They never face you. You don't know whom you're dealing with.”
Alas, what wickedness to swallow flesh into our own flesh, to fatten our greedy bodies by cramming in other bodies, to have one living creature fed by the death of another! In the midst of such wealth as earth, the best of mothers, provides, nothing forsooth satisfies you, but to behave like the Cyclopes, inflicting sorry wounds with cruel teeth! You cannot appease the hungry cravings of your wicked, gluttonous stomachs except by destroying some other life.
While Astasia’s wailings continue to echo in the background throughout the story, the storyline moves through different layers. The village, in many ways, is a scaled maquette of Egyptian society, with all its corruption and injustice. Khairy highlights the misuse of power by the mayor’s bribery and manipulation of law; Hamza sums up the present as “the boom era of corruption.”
Mentally ill + AUC graduate + 40 years old + US nationality + Heliopolis.
My opinion: these wounds were self-inflicted.
بَرْنَامَجُ مِنْ جُوْجَلٍ لِتَشْكِيلِ الْعَرَبِيّ
Brown nosed cocksucker par excellence.
This is a good solution for microbuses in new cities outside the ring road.
The home delivery is quite inexpensive.
المؤمن الذي يقبل بتسليم الملحد الواضح، الصادق، إلي الشرطة في مصر، عليه أن يقبل بتسليم المؤمن المجاهر بإيمانه إلي الشرطة في فرنسا
goes back to square one. (but did it ever move in any direction in the first place?)
Sleep deprivation is only a part of it but to pretend that it isn't torture is absurd. It cripples people mentally and, often, physically too.
اليوم هو السابع عشر من شهر العلا سنة 163 طبقا للتقويم البهائي. وشهر العلا هو شهر الصيام في التشريع البهائي. لا نأكل أو نشرب من شروق الشمس الى غروبها. “زينا يعني” كما يرد أصدقائي. ولأن الشهر 19 يوم فنحن الآن في نهاية الصيام تقريبا. ومع أن الحياة تتغير تماما خلال شهر رمضان الا أن الموضوع مختلف في شهر العلا. فنحن الوحيدون الصائمون.
د.لوزة يعتقد أن احترام حقوق المريض يعني أن تترك مهمة احتجازه بالقوة في المستشفي للشرطة كحل أخير، وأهل المرضي الذين شاركوا في ورشة العمل يؤكدون أن تدخل الشرطة يسبب إهانة للمدمن ولأهله. كما أنهم يعتبرون أن إبلاغ الشرطة عن أبنائهم سلوك غير أخلاقي، ويخلق فجوة لا يمكن إصلاحها بين المدمن وأهله.
But now that I'm in jail it's a scary thought. It would take no less than 3 months for the dust to settle and who knows what will be the result of this power struggle. Most likely no one but immediate family will remember us until it is over.
Cry too.
Here it's illegal for migrant workers to have children.
If I ever get my hands dirty with code again. I think I should use this.
Good to know that someone is paying attention to what this guy is doing.
Ah and he thinks Gamal Mubarak should be the president because, like him, was raised in a 'military house' and that his dad is one of 3 people who fully understand the Middle East. Big crackpot 3ars.
Scientific journal Nature is being sued for libel by the former editor of another science journal.
An Egyptian charlatan/scientist who published his own papers in his journal (published by El Sevier). When exposed, he threatened with libel. Claims that his work deserves a Nobel prize.
A crackpot Egyptian physicist.