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🔗 OpenDNS Blog » Some thoughts on Google DNS


from Chrome OS at the bottom of the stack to Google Search at the top, it is becoming an end-to-end infrastructure all run by Google, the largest advertising company in the world. I prefer a heterogeneous Internet with lots of parties collaborating to make this thing work as opposed to an Internet run by one big company.

🔗 What's new | EM-DAT


EM-DAT contains essential core data on the occurrence and effects of over 16,000 mass disasters in the world from 1900 to present. The database is compiled from various sources, including UN agencies, non-governmental organisations, insurance companies, research institutes and press agencies.

🔗 الشروق أون لاين - هذه رموز أبناء جميلة بوحيرد فأين رموزكم يا أبناء فيفي عبده؟


أرأيتم أشباه المطربين المصريين الذين ظهروا أول أمس يبكون كالنساء، مع احترامي للنساء طبعا، في فضائيات العهر الإعلامي؟ أرأيتم ذاك البدين المدعو محمد فؤاد، الذي بدا من هيأته البشعة وكأنه حمال في ميناء وليس كمطرب؟

🔗 Inanities: The beautful game


What’s interesting about Algeria and Egypt is that these are two very similar countries in terms of social identity, religion, economic status, oppression, etc. Which means that the Us vs The Unknown Other – the bogey man - element which is so often a theme in the Egyptian media has been more difficult to manufacture this time. The emphasis has been on the violent history of Egypt vs. Algeria encounters and on the suggestion that “our Algerian brothers” have somehow betrayed their Arab identity.