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🔗 جريدة البديل - الطب الشرعي.. الوضع الصعب والخطأ الوارد

أول ما اتوليت منصبي الحالي استدعتني أمن الدولة والرقابة الإدارية وجهة سيادية أخري، وبصراحة صعقت عندما وجدت كم المعلومات الهائل عني لديهم، هما بالأساس موجودين لحماية الأشخاص داخل المصلحة.

🔗 AUC says no hidden agenda with US government | DNE


“Since 2006, AUC has had a contract with the US Naval Medical Research Unit in Egypt (NAMRU – 3) to recruit and provide scientific staff in support of infectious disease research throughout the region, specifically relating to Avian Flu. The total value of this contract since 2006 is $1,964,035, i.e. $600,000 per year for the basic award, plus an additional $164,035 for travel expenses in the 2008 renewal,” the statement explained.

🔗 طيار ماكدونالدز يحلم «بهابى ميل» لأولاده


كريم ــ 3 سنوات ــ فاكر إن ماكدونالدز ده بتاعى وكل شوية عاوز هابى ميل علشان اللعبة. ده حمل تقيل، إلا الأولاد مش ممكن أقولهم لأ على حاجة، وكمان صعب الواحد ياكل حاجة من غيرهم... ولذلك وفى الأعياد الرسمية، بعد انتهاء «شفت العمل»، يأخذ محمد أولاده إلى أحد مطاعم الشركة، «على الأقل يحسوا إنى بأعملهم حاجة، أصلهم مش فاهمين إن المحل ده مش بتاعى».

🔗 al-Shorouk’s story on secret Sudan raids | The Arabist


The reason we’ve never heard about any of this, apparently, is that the US is not advertising the operations, the al-Bashir regime in Khartoum has declared a media blackout, and Egypt is respecting the blackout but keeping a close eye since this involves major arms traffic (it’s an old route, once used by the French poet Rimbaud) going through its territory. Today al-Shorouk said that an Egyptian intelligence agent visited the area to verify the issue.

🔗 Seumas Milne: Will Israel be brought to book over evidence it committed war crimes in Gaza? | Comment is free |


Richard Falk, the UN Special Rapporteur on Palestinian Human Rights, argued recently, any attempt to view the two sides as "equally responsible" is an absurdity: one is a lightly-armed militia, effectively operating underground in occupied territory – the other the most powerful army in the region, able to pinpoint and pulverise targets with some of the most sophisticated weaponry in the world.