🔗 اتهامات لجمعية أهلية فى الإسكندرية باستغلال أطفال الشوارع.. وتحولها إلى «وكر للانحراف»
el masry attacks Caritas now .. and with the same level of foolishness as they handled their crappy AUC - NAMRU expose .. araf
el masry attacks Caritas now .. and with the same level of foolishness as they handled their crappy AUC - NAMRU expose .. araf
Stones were thrown at the government vehicles who withdrew without culling any pigs.
blogger Mostafa Hussein admitted...
“Scientific inspections have established that pigs engage in group sex. Unfortunately, this bad habit has also spread in Western society.”
workers suffocated 25 piglets in plastic sacks
The original decree was that the Zabaleen would be compensated for the pigs, but now they are saying that since they can sell the pigs, they will not be compensated.
"Killing (pigs) is not a solution, otherwise, we should kill the people, because the virus spreads through them," wrote Abdullah Kamal of the daily Rose El-Youssef. "The terrified members of parliament should have concentrated on asking the government first about the preventive measures and ways of confronting the problem."
. “We don’t see any evidence that anyone is getting infected from pigs,” said Dr. Keiji Fukuda, the World Health Organization’s assistant director general.
whoever who screams loudest will win in the end
the semen displacement theory
زيادة أعداد الوقفات الاحتجاجية والإضرابات تستلزم زيادة النفقات
فى الأيام الأولى، فكرت شاهندة أن تعاود ارتداء الحجاب لتتجنب ردود الأفعال تلك، ولكنها الآن تقول إنها لا يمكن أبدا أن تندم على هذا القرار، هى تشعر الآن أنها متسقة مع نفسها. وما واجهته كانت ستواجهه على أى حال، وكانت بالفعل تواجه بعضه من قبل؛ لأنها اختارت ألا تكون مطيعة لذلك «النظام» الذى يفرض على المرأة إما الخضوع التام أو التحايل والتواؤم والحلول الوسط.
more than 110,000 Iraqis have died in violence since the 2003 US-led invasion.
Egypt is ahead of industrialized nations walahy.
Pigs can be infected by avian influenza and human influenza viruses as well as swine influenza viruses. When influenza viruses from different species infect pigs, the viruses can reassort (i.e. swap genes) and new viruses that are a mix of swine, human and/or avian influenza viruses can emerge.
Effects of shrimp farming on the environment and humanitarian situation of these farms.
Google, for example, allows Syrian users to access Gmail and iGoogle, but not Google Gears or Gmail video chat. Facebook, though filtered by Syrian ISPs, offers Syria as a location option, and allows users to access its services. Only companies such as Amazon.com, which sells books and other products by mail, and GoDaddy.com, which offers domain names, have been forced to prohibit Syrian use altogether.
But is what is disclosed between shrink and shrunken really proper material for a book?
أنتم أعلم بأمور دنياكم
The Global Forum's vision is of a world in which the potential of research and innovation is fully utilized to address the health problems of the poor. Innovation is defined as the creation, development and implementation of a new product, process or service, with the aim of improving efficiency, effectiveness or competitive advantage. Research for health therefore goes far beyond medicine and biology, to include sectors such as economics, environment, politics, sociology and others. Innovating for the health of all involves both social and technological innovation.
Last year, Nokia provided the state-owned Irantelecom with a "monitoring center," which enables the regime to tap phones, read e-mails, and watch over all kinds of electronic data transmission. Designed to help stop crime and terror, the new surveillance system appears to have enhanced the regime's ability to crack down on dissent. Last month, twelve women's rights activists were arrested at a private meeting that security forces likely learned about through intercepts. Another arrested dissident was recently confronted by interrogators with transcripts of his text messaging.
المتهمين حضروا فى سيارة ترحيلات بعد منتصف الليل، وأدخلهم الحرس على دفعات إلى مبنى مصلحة الطب الشرعى، الذى شهد حراسة أمنية مشددة حتى انتهت إجراءات الكشف الطبى عليهم، والتى استمرت لمدة ٣ ساعات تقريباً، وقال شهود عيان إن ٨ سيارات أمن مركزى وشرطة كانت تحاصر المبنى وغادرت بعد انتهاء الكشف.
They say the ANC wants to change the constitution to make it harder to prosecute politicians for corruption.
lego torture
Lego recreation of US torture in Abu Gharib.