🔗 LibreOffice Templates
Need templates for your docs, sheets or slides? #LibreOffice ships with several templates, but you will find many m…
Need templates for your docs, sheets or slides? #LibreOffice ships with several templates, but you will find many m…
Safely Removing Old Kernels
Woman Arrested After Criticizing Egypt’s President
Short-blogging with no text limit. Curation and web survey. Cool automatic text layout. Forums under each post. Advanced and automatic thematisation.
This image colorization API is a deep learning model that has been trained on pairs of color images with their grayscale counterpart. After hours of training, the models learns how to add color back to black and white images.
!!!Aims and method
Death of patients by suicide can have powerful effects on psychiatrists. We report the findings of a survey completed by 174 psychiatrists on the effects of patient suicide on their emotional well-being and clinical practice, and the support and resources they felt would be helpful.
!!!Results and clinical implications
The death of a patient by suicide usually had a major effect on respondents. Clinical practice was often negatively affected, and over a quarter of respondents considered a change of career path as a result. There were some gender differences in responses, with women reporting more sense of responsibility for the deaths and a greater effect on their clinical confidence. Desired support included a senior suicide lead clinician, support during formal post-suicide processes, opportunity for reflection …
Podcasting 101
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تفوقت مصر على الدول العربية التي تشهد نزاعات مسلحة وحروبا أهلية حيث شهدت 3799 حالة انتحار في عام 2016، وتجاوز عدد الرجال المنتحرين أعداد النساء المنتحرات (3095 مقابل 704)
برجاء عدم إقحام الطب النفسي في الصراعات السياسية، للمزيد أرجو قراءة هذا المقال
OpenTTD for the Nintendo Switch
Open source EMR system for low-resource settings
“This whole thing is an epistemic dumpster fire.”
"NICE updates antidepressant guidelines to reflect severity and length of withdrawal symptoms" by @bmj_latest
A list of over 1,000 datasets available in R packages, curated by @VincentAB (via @mf_viz) #rstats
The Medical Model of Mental Health by Samei Huda A book review @SameiHuda
Named after Don Norman who wrote The Design of Everyday Things
Amnesty: Egypt steps up brutality with abduction and torture of human rights defender
9 British students urged to leave Egypt after 2 detained
This study provides an exposé of spousal abuse in Egypt in terms of its nature (prevalence, forms, risk factors, reporting), the criminal justice response, available services that deal with it, and its impact on individual women, the family, and the general societal fabric.
This is a press release by his family on the latest updates including the torture that he has been subjected to
مغردون عرب يطالبون بنقل مكتب تويتر من دبي ويتهمون الإمارات بالتضييق على المغردين
Is It Time to Rethink Parkinson’s Disease?
Company that collects electronic waste for recycling