🔗 Four-day work week is a necessary part of human progress – here's a plan to make it happen
"Working less, in short, is not some luxury, but a necessary part of our progress as human beings."
"Working less, in short, is not some luxury, but a necessary part of our progress as human beings."
BBC News - EU approves the use of a medical cannabis product for epilepsy
My review of @SameiHuda's book on the medical model in mental health:
Urban planning without a plan. Build it, but they'll need more to make them come. #Egypt
Opiates & Us - great cartoon series!
A Photographic History of Addiction Recovery in the U.S.
Reminder about warning patients of the neuropsychiatric side effects of Montelukast (an add on asthma medication):
New educational video (in Arabic) on mental health and the heart القلب وصحتنا النفسية: فيديو تعليمي
Language teaching marketplace
مقال علاء عن اثر السجون على اجسادنا
New blog coming soon
Forecasting the onset and course of mental illness with Twitter data
Oliver Sacks: The Healing Power of Gardens #Health #Gardens #greenspace #greeninfrastructure
The Indian Hemp Drugs Commission report (1894) is often highly lauded by those who approve of its recommendation in favour of the regulation and taxation of cannabis. This paper discusses the report in the light of current evidence. The Commission found that excessive ganja use could cause psychosis, but such use was rare. It recommended that cannabis should be regulated and taxed rather than prohibited, because most cannabis use did not cause harm, regulation and taxation would limit excessive use and prohibition would prevent its medical use and generate an illicit cannabis market. The report's analysis of the role of cannabis in psychosis is consistent with recent epidemiological evidence. Historical scholarship, however, raises serious doubts about the extent to which the Commission's findings on cannabis regulation were affected …
Purdue, Sacklers offer bankruptcy, $10-12 billion for opioid settlement: Report #opioidcrisis
Interesting piece on the long-standing mystery of whether streptococcal infection can trigger OCD in some kids
A data hoarder's dream come true: bundle any web page into a single HTML file.
And Egypt is third biggest importer of Brazilian beef.
Microbes in the gastrointestinal tract are under selective pressure to manipulate host eating behavior to increase their fitness, sometimes at the expense of host fitness. Microbes may do this through two potential strategies: (i) generating cravings for foods that they specialize on or foods that suppress their competitors, or (ii) inducing dysphoria until we eat foods that enhance their fitness.
Happy Birthday, Linux!
المسح القومى: 24.7%يعانون من «أعراض نفسية».. و3.1% مكتئبون.. و1.6% مصابون بالقلق.. وسكان «الريف» أكثر اضطراباً من «المدن»
Never Google your symptoms 😄
One woman was all that stood between thalidomide and America.
New law to impose tax on social media ads, online services: Egypt’s finance minister