🔗 The Rab’a Massacre and Mass Killings of Protesters in Egypt - HRW
This by @HRW still stands alone as the most forensic account of what happened that day:
This by @HRW still stands alone as the most forensic account of what happened that day:
RobotAnalyst was developed as part of the Supporting Evidence-based Public Health Interventions using Text Mining project to support the literature screening phase of systematic reviews. RobotAnalyst is designed for searching and screening reference collections obtained from literature database queries. It combines search engine functionality with machine learning and text mining technology, including topic modelling and relevancy feedback-based text classification models, to minimise the human workload involved in identifying relevant references
"Rayyan is a 100% FREE web application to help systematic review authors perform their job in a quick, easy and enjoyable fashion. Authors create systematic reviews, collaborate on them, maintain them over time and get suggestions for article inclusion."
"We propose replacing the gender binary in elite sport with a more nuanced approach – an algorithm to be applied to all elite athletes (cisgender and transgender) that accounts for a range of physiological factors (including, but not limited to, testosterone levels), and gender identity. In addition to providing fairness to elite ciswomen athletes, an algorithm could also provide fairness to elite transmen athletes. Although not discussed in the paper, elite transmen athletes are highly likely to be physiologically disadvantaged in comparison to elite cismen athletes. Even if (via hormone therapy) a transman’s testosterone level reached that of an elite cismen athlete, some of his previous female physiology is unlikely to change (e.g. bone structure and lung size) meaning that, in this respect, they are disadvantaged in …
"abstrackR is a web-application that makes citation-screening process of systematic reviews easier (or, we hope it does, anyway). It is a collaborative tool that facilitates screening of citations by multiple reviewers in tandem. Citations are imported and then screened by participants. The screening decisions (or, 'labels') can subsequently be exported."
Covidence is a web-based software platform that streamlines the production of systematic reviews, including Cochrane Reviews.
Offline deduplicator based on the one at Bond University Systematic Review Accelerator.
A swipeable cards interface. The swipe-left/swipe-right for yes/no input. As seen in apps like Jelly and Tinder.
This article provides a historical and contemporary overview of e-cigarettes and vaping. The reader will gain an understanding of e-cigarette usage, risks and benefits, the current position on use of e-cigarettes in mental health settings, and tips on how to take an e-cigarette/vaping history and how to offer advice about use.
"وزارة الداخلية أكدت أن السيارة المتسببة في حادث #معهد_الأورام كان بداخلها متفجرات"
مشروع «الصوت للعموم» هو مبادرة من شركة موزيلا تهدف إلى تعليم الآلة الكيفية التي ينطق بها بني البشر.
Resources for Learning (and Teaching) How to Conduct Meta-Analyses
Very good Reuters report on the dramatic increase in death sentences and executions in Egypt.
"Use Publons to track your publications, citation metrics, peer reviews, and journal editing work in a single, easy-to-maintain profile."
التعبئة والإحصاء: زيادة نسبة المصريين تحت خط الفقر إلى 32.5%
عن عبد الناصر وضرورة الجدال حوله
Computational peeling art anyone?
Good article on mindfulness - raises & address questions I have. Managing mental health cannot be 'one size fits al…
Weakly regulated painkillers (tramadol) are causing untold damage in West Africa, but stricter controls could have dire consequences for patients. Laura Salm-Reifferscheidt unpicks an opioid crisis even more complex than America’s.
Experts identified 38 distinct MI techniques with high agreement on clarity, uniqueness, preciseness, and distinctiveness ratings. Of the identified techniques, 16 were classified as relational techniques. The remaining 22 techniques were classified as content-based. Sixteen of the MI techniques were identified as having substantial overlap with techniques from the BCTTv1. The isolation and classification of MI techniques will provide researchers with the necessary tools to clearly specify MI interventions and test the main and interactive effects of the techniques on health behavior. The distinction between relational and content-based techniques within MI is also an important advance, recognising that changes in motivation and behavior in MI is a function of both intervention content and the interpersonal style in which the content is delivered.
"The Egyptian authorities are relying on arbitrary and excessive probation measures as a repressive tactic to intimidate peaceful activists into silence after their release from prison
The course examines specific techniques relating to plotting and temporality including flashbacks, unreliable narration and framed narratives.
"as a psychiatrist, if I ever had the misfortune to develop severe depression, my treatment of choice would be electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)."
I met a traveller from an antique land
Here you can learn about Islamic medicine and science during the Middle Ages and the important role it played in the history of Europe. This site, with its biographies, colorful images, and extensive historical accounts of medieval medicine and science is designed for students and everyone interested in the history of Islamic and European culture.