Most Recent Bookmarks

🔗 Identifying content-based and relational techniques to change behavior in Motivational Interviewing

Experts identified 38 distinct MI techniques with high agreement on clarity, uniqueness, preciseness, and distinctiveness ratings. Of the identified techniques, 16 were classified as relational techniques. The remaining 22 techniques were classified as content-based. Sixteen of the MI techniques were identified as having substantial overlap with techniques from the BCTTv1. The isolation and classification of MI techniques will provide researchers with the necessary tools to clearly specify MI interventions and test the main and interactive effects of the techniques on health behavior. The distinction between relational and content-based techniques within MI is also an important advance, recognising that changes in motivation and behavior in MI is a function of both intervention content and the interpersonal style in which the content is delivered.

🔗 Data Skills for Reproducible Science


"This course provides an overview of skills needed for reproducible research and open science using the statistical programming language R. Students will learn about data visualisation, data tidying and wrangling, archiving, iteration and functions, probability and data simulations, general linear models, and reproducible workflows. Learning is reinforced through weekly assignments that involve working with different types of data."

🔗 Medical use of cannabis and cannabinoids: questions and answers for policymaking |


"What is the evidence base for the medical use of cannabis and cannabinoids? What is the difference between cannabis preparations and medicinal products and why is this important? How is this issue regulated in the EU? These and other questions are explored in this report which responds to growing interest in this topic as more European countries develop policies and practice in this area."