🔗 Solomon Shereshevskii - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
the guy who can't forget.. contrast with Henry M.
the guy who can't forget.. contrast with Henry M.
a famous Soviet neuro-psychologist and developmental psychologist. the guy behind the Luria-Nebraska
As Oliver Sacks observes the mind through music, his belief in a science of empathy takes on new dimension. by Jonah Lehrer.
قانون سنة 1944
Egyptian MOH: Metal Health Secretariat
very cool...
mood brightener ?
portfolio of assessments of candidates performed in the workplace, three papers of MCQs and extended matching questions, and a souped up OSCE.
CATIE phase I
I find closed Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) that is not a concussion a spurious diagnosis.
can u simply claim that psychiatric disorders are a brain injury/insult/trauma? is this invisible brain trauma a psychiatric or neurological one. Is it P.C. or Acute Stress reaction/PTSD ? psych stigma ?
the anatomical structure, connectivity, cellular properties and behavioral functions of the amygdala.
Psychogenic excoriation has been described as a syndrome of repetitive picking and scratching of skin in the absence of any underlying dermatologic disease
chantix side effect: pleasurable vivid and memorable dreams
cool resource for new residents
a list of films with a plot around psychiatric disorders
Lilly has spent .2 billion since 2004 to settle lawsuits from 28,500 people who claimed they developed diabetes or heart problems after taking the drug.
A Research Program Studying Treatment Effectiveness and Outcomes in Schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s Disease
clinical and research aspects of trauma responses and their resolution.
Residents’ Journal is created exclusively for psychiatry residents
web site in order to keep the public and professionals informed about the plans for DSM-V
Molecular mechanism underlying the mechanism by which Norepinephrine (NE), released during emotional arousal, plays a central role in the emotional regulation of memory.
a critique of the DSM ... to read
Virginia Woolf and Sylvia Plath Vs. risk factors of suicide .. a sort of post humus case study/analysis.
Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale