🔗 Care-giving and the moral impoverishment of medicine
Kleinman is also a prominent psychiatrist.
Kleinman is also a prominent psychiatrist.
What do rats & rabbits dream of?
فلا شيء يحطم العُنصريه مهما كان جبروتها وإحتمائها بعباءة الدين.. أكثر من المُعارضة الصادقه البسيطه، وإن كانت صغيره..لأن الحق يا حبائي ، دائما اقوى من الباطل.
Polaroid is gone and now Kodak film.
When Bush ducked and Maliki didn't flinch as the first shoe sailed toward them, it was a real-world example supporting the theory that there are two independent pathways in the human visual system.
It will be screened again on Friday in Rawabet.
On the quackery of chiropractic spinal manipulations. I like this bit though: "The courtroom is no place to settle scientific disputes, and silencing journalists, scientists or sceptics with legal threats is, in my view, cowardly."
Do people who speak different languages think differently simply because they speak different languages? Does learning new languages change the way you think? Do polyglots think differently when speaking different languages?
Prejudice against people with different accents develops in infants before they start to speak. Very interesting post.
For sure if there was a cordon of Central Security forces around the guys dancing, no one would have joined.
The best evidence for the validity of the arguments of the three opponents of the President for rejecting the results declared by the Interior Ministry is the data the Ministry itself has issued. In the chart below, compiled based on the data released by the Ministry and announced by Iran’s national television, a perfect linear relation between the votes received by the President and Mir Hossein Mousavi has been maintained, and the President’s vote is always half of the President’s. The vertical axis (y) shows Mr. Mousavi’s votes, and the horizontal (x) the President’s. R^2 shows the correlation coefficient: the closer it is to 1.0, the more perfect is the fit, and it is 0.9995, as close to 1.0 …
Review of Karima al-Hifnawy’s Diary of a Pharmacist.
Doctors from the Ministry of “Health” come and go freely, with no masks, no gloves, nada.
أصدرت المحكمة الابتدائية بـ"العدوه" صباح أمس الخميس برئاسة المستشار" أحمد يسري" ، وبحضور "أحمد الجمل" وكيل النيابة ، وأمانة سر "رمضان علي" حكما حضوريا بمعاقبه "منير سعيد حنا مرزوق" ، الموظف بالا داره التعليمية بمغاغة بالحبس (3 سنوات) وكفاله (100 ألف جنيه) ، وذلك لإهانته رئيس الجمهورية بأن قام بكتابة بيانات شعريه مخالفه للحقيقة وتوزيعها على العاملين بمحل عمله بالإدارة التعليمية.
Plants do have rights and the government should listen. Go Bahia Absinthifolia Go!!
Farouq Hosni shouldn’t be the head of UNESCO. Not just because of his (probably entirely politically opportunistic) Israel-bashing. But mostly because he is the longest-serving minister (22 years) in an autocratic state that does not respect freedom of expression; because he presides over a corrupt and mediocre ministry and has acted in the interest of the regime rather than the interests of culture time and again; because he is generally loathed by Egyptian artists and writers of any standing. He shouldn’t be head of UNESCO not because of his disrespect for Israeli culture–but because of his much deeper, more damaging disrespect of Egyptian culture.
Dell's Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty)
Al Masry journalist was a school colleague and I know people who worked in NAMRU-III. Hisham Kassem is a twitter friend. This video feels very strange.
These students are all residents of the Zamalek dormitory and as a result the dormitory has been quarantined for 24 hours. The Ministry of Health has obtained samples from all residents of the dormitory and those results are expected later today.
Don't agree on some books (Paulo Coelho & Obama) but nevertheless a useful list.
Martus is a secure information management tool that allows you to create a searchable and encrypted database and back this data up remotely to your choice of publicly available servers. The Martus software is used by organizations around the world to protect sensitive information and shield the identity of victims or witnesses who provide testimony on human rights abuses. Martus is the Greek word for witness. Learn more about Martus software.
Physicians for Human Rights (PHR), in partnership with Harvard Humanitarian Initiative (HHI), has published a report documenting the scope and long-term impact of rape and other sexual violence experienced by women who fled attacks on their villages in Darfur and are now refugees in neighboring Chad. This scientific study, corroborates women’s accounts of rape and other crimes against humanity that they have experienced in Darfur, as well as rape and deprivations of basic needs in refugee camps in Chad.
Human rights workers have been physically assaulted as well as arrested. When Dr Magda Adly, of the Al-Nadeem Centre for the rehabilitation of torture victims, left a police station in Kafr el-Dawa after interviewing four detainees who said they had been tortured, she was knocked unconscious and her arm was broken.
This Transparency is a look at where, around the world, the death penalty is still used and where it has been abolished.