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🔗 Egyptian Journalist experiences police state first hand at May 4 anti-Mubarak demo | Menassat

The rest of the time we listened to a bored police station employee (his exact job was unclear) hold forth on the press (“I read all the papers but trust [independent daily] El-Masry El-Youm most”) and press criticism of police violations (“Nobody is above criticism. Even doctors make mistakes and should be held to account”).

🔗 Inanities: Obscenity


Every new crisis, every new tragedy in Egypt is a reprieve, a fresh start, another chance to put things right. It's never taken. Things are always and inevitably ballsed up, and back we are dragged to zero.

🔗 بعد أن خلعته شاهندة .. صورة جديدة بدون الحجاب - بوابة الشروق


فى الأيام الأولى، فكرت شاهندة أن تعاود ارتداء الحجاب لتتجنب ردود الأفعال تلك، ولكنها الآن تقول إنها لا يمكن أبدا أن تندم على هذا القرار، هى تشعر الآن أنها متسقة مع نفسها. وما واجهته كانت ستواجهه على أى حال، وكانت بالفعل تواجه بعضه من قبل؛ لأنها اختارت ألا تكون مطيعة لذلك «النظام» الذى يفرض على المرأة إما الخضوع التام أو التحايل والتواؤم والحلول الوسط.

🔗 Jillian York: LinkedIn Alienates Syrian Users: Why Now?


Google, for example, allows Syrian users to access Gmail and iGoogle, but not Google Gears or Gmail video chat. Facebook, though filtered by Syrian ISPs, offers Syria as a location option, and allows users to access its services. Only companies such as, which sells books and other products by mail, and, which offers domain names, have been forced to prohibit Syrian use altogether.

🔗 Norwegian Forum for Global Health Research - Essay competition 2009, Theme: Innovating for the health of all


The Global Forum's vision is of a world in which the potential of research and innovation is fully utilized to address the health problems of the poor. Innovation is defined as the creation, development and implementation of a new product, process or service, with the aim of improving efficiency, effectiveness or competitive advantage. Research for health therefore goes far beyond medicine and biology, to include sectors such as economics, environment, politics, sociology and others. Innovating for the health of all involves both social and technological innovation.