🔗 Internet Archive: مزرعة الحيوان
George Orwell's Animal farm in Arabic
George Orwell's Animal farm in Arabic
This case report examines the use of clonidine to successfully treat a child suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This case shows an unintentional washout period that exemplifies a cause-effect relationship between clonidine and the inhibition of reenactment symptoms of PTSD.
Oromos were tortured more often than Somalis, whereas Oromo men and Somali women were the ethnic/gender groups most often tortured. A number of possible explanations can be posited. The very high rates in the Oromo community may reflect long-standing interethnic conflicts. Somali women were more often tortured than Somali men. Anecdotally, Somali men were either killed in their home country or able to escape unharmed, whereas women and children had a more difficult time leaving the country.
This paper will focus on some of the most traumatic factors faced by the average Palestinian child during times of war. Unlike most research, which limits the Palestinian child's experience in war to military-related traumatic events, in this paper I will attempt to illustrate the Palestinian child's internal and external experiences, using empirical studies, my own clinical experience and an analytic understanding of historical and present events, in addition to a case study. This includes the different sources of stress and trauma that face Palestinian children and which ultimately create a multi-traumatic environment. I will also compare the situation of Palestinian children during the first and the second Intifadas.
Ellen had revenge fantasies toward her husband, Max, because she held him responsible for the accidental death of their 10-year-old son, Morgan. Instead of taking Morgan to ski on an intermediate slope as planned, Max had impulsively selected an advanced slope. Morgan hit a tree and later died of a head injury.
Through this process I have discovered a deeper level of compassion. It is a compassion rooted in the real world, and it includes myself. I realized that the compassion I used to have was detached and aloof. I was at the same time disconnected from patients yet overinvested in them. My aloofness and disconnectedness also caused a degree of social ineptitude and a lack of perception that made me capable at times of being a jerk to peers and co-workers. I am more self-possessed now and more genuinely connected with other people.
Incredible photography. Magical.
أننا اذا كنا ننكر حق الدولة في إزهاق روح المحكوم عليه بالإعدام فإننا ننكر بذلك حق الدولة في العقاب بالنسبة لجميع أنواع العقوبات, كما أن عقوبة الإعدام تتناسب في جسامتها عادة مع الجرائم التي توقع من أجلها وبالنسبة للاخطاء البشرية والتي قد ترد عمن يوقع العقاب فإن كل الأحكام القضائية تصدر عن بشر ومعظم العقوبات تخضع لتلك المشكلة, فهل معني ذلك أن نلغي كل العقوبات, كما أن النفع الجماعي الذي يعود علي المجتمع من عقوبة الإعدام كبير والضمانات التي وضعتها التشريعات القانونية لتلافي الاخطاء القضائية كفيلة بأن تمنع أو تقلل هذه الاخطاء البشرية.
Largest two ring-roads here are that of Beijing then London. Cairo's ring road, which was designed in the 70s and only completed in 2000s, is almost the size of Brussels'.
The El-Zohour Appeal Court on Tuesday upheld the LE 2,500 fine against Tamer Mabrouk issued in January as well as an order that the blogger pay LE 40,000 in civil compensation to the Trust Chemicals Company.
Lots of interesting stuff here.
OpenMRS® is a community-developed, open-source, enterprise electronic medical record system framework. We've come together to specifically respond to those actively building and managing health systems in the developing world, where AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria afflict the lives of millions.
I would like to invite 70 million Egyptians to read this post.
I think this might be response to downtown street art scare last month.
Amazing photos and stories from South Africa.
"It is way worse than I thought it would be, and that's no joke,"Mancow said, likening it to a time when he nearly drowned as a child. "It is such an odd feeling to have water poured down your nose with your head back...It was instantaneous...and I don't want to say this: absolutely torture."
Iraqi psychiatrists say the war and violence has taken a real toll on mental health of the entire nation, and that the number of mental disorders is on the rise across the country.
Has location features that I need to try.
By Anatol Rapoport.
13% of Egyptians think they are citizens of the world, 13% think they are citizens of both their county and the world.
Circumcision as a surgical vaccination.
I have said before and I will repeat again that it is I believe Obama is a 3ars and this political masturbation is going no where. Obama mentions Gaza situation by the by and only in answer to one of the questions and as if nothing happened 5 months ago.
I’m not defending obscenity; I just don’t know what it is. Obscenity is a very subjective term; what’s obscene for you might not be obscene for me and vice versa. Confining one or a small group of people to decide it is wishful thinking. Values and morals are also loose terms that cannot be shoved down people’s throats.
14 days before the expiry of her house arrest a Mormon swims uninvited for praying and writing a book? WTF!!!
But this sort of thinking is exactly what most agnostics find ridiculous about religion and religious people, who seem incapable of looking at the world unless it’s through the prism of some kind of belief system. They seem to think that if one doesn’t believe in God, one must believe in something else, because to live without answers would be intolerable. And maybe that’s true of the humorless Richard Dawkins, who does seem actually to have tried to turn atheism into a kind of religion unto itself. But there are plenty of other people who are simply comfortable not knowing the answers. It always seemed weird to me that this quality of not needing an explanation and just being cool with what few answers we …