🔗 Outcry over jailing of Aung San Suu Kyi | World news | The Guardian
14 days before the expiry of her house arrest a Mormon swims uninvited for praying and writing a book? WTF!!!
14 days before the expiry of her house arrest a Mormon swims uninvited for praying and writing a book? WTF!!!
But this sort of thinking is exactly what most agnostics find ridiculous about religion and religious people, who seem incapable of looking at the world unless it’s through the prism of some kind of belief system. They seem to think that if one doesn’t believe in God, one must believe in something else, because to live without answers would be intolerable. And maybe that’s true of the humorless Richard Dawkins, who does seem actually to have tried to turn atheism into a kind of religion unto itself. But there are plenty of other people who are simply comfortable not knowing the answers. It always seemed weird to me that this quality of not needing an explanation and just being cool with what few answers we …
A hilarious posts that raises deep academic questions: "How much of this antipathy is attributable to deliberate misinformation, and poor education, and media which loves a sensation? Does what is ostensibly over zealous nationalism mask a deep insecurity, even a loss of identity?"
Foreign Accent Syndrome, a rare medical condition of which there are just over 50 documented cases.
A paper by Scott Long examining the forensic examination of suspected homosexuals in Egypt. This paper describes how Egyptian forensic doctors by doing so are actually taking part in torture and throws light on the lack of scientific basis to support these examinations.
Heroin abuse in Afghanistan.
The rest of the time we listened to a bored police station employee (his exact job was unclear) hold forth on the press (“I read all the papers but trust [independent daily] El-Masry El-Youm most”) and press criticism of police violations (“Nobody is above criticism. Even doctors make mistakes and should be held to account”).
A program to recover or undelete files.
This is probably the hottest finding in psychiatry in 2009 till now.
Al-Masry is crap.
Every new crisis, every new tragedy in Egypt is a reprieve, a fresh start, another chance to put things right. It's never taken. Things are always and inevitably ballsed up, and back we are dragged to zero.
el masry attacks Caritas now .. and with the same level of foolishness as they handled their crappy AUC - NAMRU expose .. araf
Stones were thrown at the government vehicles who withdrew without culling any pigs.
blogger Mostafa Hussein admitted...
“Scientific inspections have established that pigs engage in group sex. Unfortunately, this bad habit has also spread in Western society.”
workers suffocated 25 piglets in plastic sacks
The original decree was that the Zabaleen would be compensated for the pigs, but now they are saying that since they can sell the pigs, they will not be compensated.
"Killing (pigs) is not a solution, otherwise, we should kill the people, because the virus spreads through them," wrote Abdullah Kamal of the daily Rose El-Youssef. "The terrified members of parliament should have concentrated on asking the government first about the preventive measures and ways of confronting the problem."
. “We don’t see any evidence that anyone is getting infected from pigs,” said Dr. Keiji Fukuda, the World Health Organization’s assistant director general.
whoever who screams loudest will win in the end
the semen displacement theory
زيادة أعداد الوقفات الاحتجاجية والإضرابات تستلزم زيادة النفقات
فى الأيام الأولى، فكرت شاهندة أن تعاود ارتداء الحجاب لتتجنب ردود الأفعال تلك، ولكنها الآن تقول إنها لا يمكن أبدا أن تندم على هذا القرار، هى تشعر الآن أنها متسقة مع نفسها. وما واجهته كانت ستواجهه على أى حال، وكانت بالفعل تواجه بعضه من قبل؛ لأنها اختارت ألا تكون مطيعة لذلك «النظام» الذى يفرض على المرأة إما الخضوع التام أو التحايل والتواؤم والحلول الوسط.
more than 110,000 Iraqis have died in violence since the 2003 US-led invasion.
Egypt is ahead of industrialized nations walahy.