🔗 EncFS
The simplest encrypted filesystem. Works on top of existing partitions. Finally I am able to store important data encrypted.
The simplest encrypted filesystem. Works on top of existing partitions. Finally I am able to store important data encrypted.
قانون المرور الجديد
a brain protein called neuropeptide S is involved in erasing traumatic responses to adverse memories by working on neurons inside the amygdala where those memories are stored.
Huge ebook resource. (Free registration required)
A-Z of Hallucinations and hallucinosis. Psychiatric, neurological and physiological.
List of drugs on the market .. a bit old but useful
SSRI brain zaps side effect phenomenon
like fring
تاريخ الإلحاد في الإسلام - عبد الرحمن بدوي
I remember it clearly. It started near my school, didn't go to school that day.
How do we attach meaning to other's behaviour, or our own? For example, is someone angry because they are bad-tempered or because something bad happened?
...hmm...intends to identify the mental health care needs of Muslims.
Jonathan Beynon of ICRC gives advice on visiting places of detention, and examining victims in the presence of members of the security services.
Epidemiological survey conducted between 1997 - 1999 among survivors of war or mass violence (aged >16 years) who were randomly selected from community populations in Algeria (n=653), Cambodia (n=610), Ethiopia (n=1200), and Gaza (n=585).
The BBC has found the first evidence that China is currently helping Sudan's government militarily in Darfur.
No original sin? what about children seeing a crucified Christ? or TV violence? read bobo doll experiment.
Charges against Al-Bashir could include war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. Prosecutor is to submit evidence on Monday, which could lead to an arrest warrant being issued.
Excellent report about freedom of belief, Bahaais & ID card
عن المسيري و سيرتة
Medical Evidence of Torture by US Personnel and Its Impact
Women were violently attacked by both the police and other farmers who stand to gain from the eviction.
Excellent article of the horrific incident.
Men deployed for 13 months or more in the past 3 years were more likely to get PTSD, severe alcohol problems. PTSD associated with mismatch between expectations about duration of deployment and reality.
The increasing use of antidepressant and anti-anxiety drugs among U.S. troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.