🔗 Al Jazeera English - News - Us Army Suicides Highest In 2007
In 2006 the suicide rate among active service members was 17.3 per 100,000, compared to 12.8 in 2005 and 10.8 in 2004. In 2001 the rate was 9.8 per 100,000.
In 2006 the suicide rate among active service members was 17.3 per 100,000, compared to 12.8 in 2005 and 10.8 in 2004. In 2001 the rate was 9.8 per 100,000.
cool stuff
Antidepressants are the most frequently prescribed class of drugs in the U.S., would life be easier if antidepressants were just available at the drug store?
average power consumption information
29 percent think governments should be allowed to use some degree of torture in order to combat terrorism. (ticking bomb scenario)
much of the behavior in our experiments is consistent with a desire to pursue self-interest, while maintaining the illusion of behaving fairly.
individuals have some negative utility associated with being seen as greedy, and are avoiding this judgment by the experimenter.
a higher proportion of 29.5% approved this practice [torture] in comparison to 22% who were against it. (the rest were undecided)
A significant number of doctors justified use of coercive technique and manhandling in dealing with detainees by law enforcement agencies.
a non-parametric test for statistical significance. Awesome explanatinon.
كسر في جمجمة مين؟ بتجيبوا الكلام ده منين؟
مسح ضوئي لأخبار عن النديم
حمدي حسن عضو مجلس الشعب -- مسح ضوئي للدستور
مسح ضوئي للبديل
ضرورة وضع هذه الواقعة في سياق تكميم الأفواه عند الحديث في قضايا التعذيب والفساد
Wikimania 2008 is an open event, and everyone is welcome to register with a small fee. Special prices for Egyptian Wikimedia contributors!
that guy was in the book fair a couple of years ago, dina had a photo of him
تعرضت لتعذيب وحشي لإجبارها علي الإرشاد عن مكان الابن.
scroll to the bottom to read a similar scenario in 2001
صرحت نيابة كفر الدوار بدفن جثة بيومى محمد السيد الذى توفى داخل حجز قسم الشرطة بهبوط حاد فى الدورة الدموية والقلب.... hmmmm very very interesting :)
أمرت نيابة قسم كفر الدوار بحبس مجند الشرطة أحمد عنتر إبراهيم ١٥ يوماً
ضمانات وحقوق المتهم فى القانون المصري (read 126)
An FAQ about how to deal with police in Egypt. Flash version, can be read directly.
Amnesty International urges the Egyptian authorities to investigate the assault on Magda Adly and the allegations of torture and other ill-treatment of the members of the Sobhi Mohammed Hussein family.
اتهم مركزا النديم وهشام مبارك الضابط أحمد مقلد، رئيس مباحث كفر الدوار، بالوقوف وراء اعتداء مجند أمن مركزي بمعسكر الدراسة على الدكتورة ماجد