🔗 Writing About Patients: The Perennial Dilemma
t if accurate presentation of the case requires details that would probably reveal the patient's identity to others, the patient's informed consent must be obtained. I
t if accurate presentation of the case requires details that would probably reveal the patient's identity to others, the patient's informed consent must be obtained. I
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أن ابنه المتوفي، كان يعاني حالة اكتئاب شديدة، وكشف عن أنه ترك خطاباً بخط يده قال فيه: إنه قرر الانتحار بإلقاء نفسه من فوق سطح المنزل، لضيقه م
Number of papers per year with the term PTSD in title or abstract and list of most freq. authors
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This page contains several tests of Traumatic Stress & Secondary Traumatic Stress. These tests may be printed and used for clinical and research purposes.
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The European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, established in 1993, is the European network for professionals in the field of psychotraumatology.
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The Istanbul Protocol, which has been endorsed by the UN, provides the first set of internationally recognised guidelines for medical and legal experts on how to determine whether a person has been tortured and establish independent valid evidence that ca
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The aim of the Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers is to be of assistance to the people subjected to torture in detention places and prisons providing physical, mental and social treatment, and rehabilitation.
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