🔗 Alexander Luria
a famous Soviet neuro-psychologist and developmental psychologist. the guy behind the Luria-Nebraska
a famous Soviet neuro-psychologist and developmental psychologist. the guy behind the Luria-Nebraska
As Oliver Sacks observes the mind through music, his belief in a science of empathy takes on new dimension. by Jonah Lehrer.
دخول مصر كدولة نووية سلمية ليس هو الحل السليم حاليا للحصول علي الطاقة
قانون سنة 1944
Egyptian MOH: Metal Health Secretariat
scientific video resource
Male courtship dances in two fruit fly species... very funny
How to search for fossils by splitting rocks.. very cool
very cool...
mood brightener ?
portfolio of assessments of candidates performed in the workplace, three papers of MCQs and extended matching questions, and a souped up OSCE.
CATIE phase I
I find our energy policy unclear (like everything). Are we going to expand on clean energy or build nuclear waste ?
An amazing photo gallery of wild African mammals
arabic music resource ... looks decent
Title music of Shaun of the dead
I find closed Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) that is not a concussion a spurious diagnosis.
Ok put this on the list of activities I will be doing in my life. I think I can either buy a used balloon or DIY an envelope. licensing in egypt?
can u simply claim that psychiatric disorders are a brain injury/insult/trauma? is this invisible brain trauma a psychiatric or neurological one. Is it P.C. or Acute Stress reaction/PTSD ? psych stigma ?
An action performed by individual A and affecting individual B is said to be altruistic if it increases the fitness — the reproductive success — of the recipient B, and decreases the fitness of A.
the anatomical structure, connectivity, cellular properties and behavioral functions of the amygdala.
Psychogenic excoriation has been described as a syndrome of repetitive picking and scratching of skin in the absence of any underlying dermatologic disease
chantix side effect: pleasurable vivid and memorable dreams
An inversion can lead to pollution such as smog being trapped close to the ground, with possible adverse effects on health.
rice burn acreage was shown to have a small but statistically significant effect on asthma morbidity in Butte County